NCIS: Hawaii is an American telly series falling under the action thriller and crime drama genre and is the 4th creation of the NCID Franchise. Randy Sutter has produced Joshua Rexon and Yalun Tu with the Harp to the Party Productions, Close to the Land Productions, and CBS Studios production companies. This latest series aired its first episode on September 20, 2021.
The series depicts the team’s missions belonging to the Naval Crime Investigative Service to save the country and its citizen. This is a police procedural special drama; thereby, the audience can get both action and get a glimpse of the processes they follow to catch criminals and bring justice.
When will the Hiatus End?
The 10th episode of NCIS: Hawaii Season 1, named Lost, is not coming this year. The episode will be airing on January 3, 2022, on CBS Network. The last episode, episode 9 released on December 6 of this year and till now, all the episodes were regularly expected this episode, episode 10.
It will be released after a month, but we hope it will be as satisfying as the previous ones. You can also live stream the episode on another platform that we will mention soon.
Several characters are featuring in this series who are Vanessa Lachey as Jane Tennant; Alex Tarrant as Kai Holman; Noah Mills as Jesse Boone; Yasmine Al-Bustami as Lucy Tara; Jason Antoon as Ernie Malik; Tori Anderson as Kate Whistler; Kian Talan as Alex Tennant; EnverGjokaj as Joe Milius and MahinaNapolean as Julie Tennant.
Episode 9 (Imposter)
In the former episode, fans watched Jane Tennant and her group in some serious situations. They witnessed a dead body, and chaos and confusion starts after this event. It became difficult to know who the killer was or what his whereabouts are, and locating him is difficult and dangerous. The killer also pretends to be the survivor, which is now the chief threat.
It is hinted that one of the chief speakers is behind all this chaos, but who can it be? Will the team be able to catch the culprit? Whom to trust and whom not? The episode was highly intriguing and dramatic, so you should do it if you have not watched it now.
How is the Audience Reacting After Watching the Show?
The series has a lot to take in, drama, thrill, suspense, adventure, action, and more, but the plot is not an excellent one. The series has welcomed both positive and negative reviews as many believe that the procedures they are showing are not that accurate or that much noteworthy, and the story at times becomes dull.
Others believe that the plot has progressed with new stories and incidents and are highly praiseworthy since the way characters depict themselves is excellent. It is upon you to decide how much you like the series, and if you like it, stay tuned and watch the 10th episode next year.