The American thriller television series is coming up with its fourth season very soon. The crime drama follows a financial advisor named Martin ‘Marty’ Byrde, who moves to the Missouri Ozarks from Chicago. With him, he takes his wife and two teenage children, Charlotte and Jonah. The family struggles to survive in the new place as it is filled with dirty money.
But they have to live there in any circumstances as Marty must deal in money laundering to satisfy a cartel boss. Bill Dubuque and Mark Williams created the crime drama series. Patrick Markey, Chris Mundy, Erin Mitchell, Matthew Spiegel, Dana Scott, and Peter Thorell have been credited as the producers of the series for Netflix. The first season of the series was released on July 21, 2017.
The thriller series is quite popular among the viewers as Netflix’s drama is currently rated 8.4 and holds 74 in the popular series. The series has 119 nominations under its belt with 19 wins, including 3 Emmy Awards in its name.
How Many Episodes Will Be There in Ozark Season 4?
Generally, any Netflix original drama has ten episodes, but Ozark will deviate from the norm. By releasing a trailer on January 6, 2022, Netflix has confirmed that the final season will have a total of 2 parts. According to the episode listing on the IMDb page of the thriller series, both parts will have 7 episodes each, amounting to a total of 14 episodes in total for the 4th season.
The crime drama’s first part of season 4 will debut on January 21, 2022. In the preview released by Netflix for the series, it is shown that Navarro wants an out from the drug business. So he once more recruits Marty and Wendy, only this time to talk to the FBI.
Navarro wants perks to reveal information about the whole drugs cartel. The Langmore-Snells are back, and they are once again growing opium. By the looks of the trailer, Jonah has joined the family business and started doing full-on money laundering.
What is Ozark Season 4 About?
The Byrdes will have a new mission this upcoming season to help Navarro get retired without facing any consequence. The season picks right after the death of Helen Pierce. The Byrdes are covered in her blood and try to clean each other off while someone approaches them. The couple is now the direct reporter to Navarro. The season will explore the Navarro-Byrde relationship.
There is a major commotion in the cartel, and there is a possibility that Navarro’s family might play a hand in getting him usurped. On the other side, the grass is not greener as Langmore is in trouble and is working with Snell. There will be a Ruth vs. Byrdes showdown, which will be very interesting to see on the screens.
Where to Watch Ozark Season 4?
As a Netflix original series, the crime drama Ozark is only available on Netflix. However, the upcoming fourth season, which is also the last, will release soon. The first part of the series will release on January 21, 2022.
Who Will Be in The Cast of Ozark Season 4?
Jason Bateman leads the cast as Martin’ Marty’ Byrde, with Laura Linney, Sofia Hublitz, and Skylar Gaertner playing the roles of the Byrde family members Wendy, Charlotte, and Jonah. They will be joined by the cast, including Julia Garner, Charlie Tahan, Lisa Emery, Alfonso Herrera, Felix Solis, Adam Rothenberg, Damian Young, and Jessica Frances Dukes.
The recurring and guest cast of the thriller series is yet to be confirmed by Netflix. Bill Dubuque and Mark Williams created the crime drama series. Patrick Markey, Chris Mundy, Erin Mitchell, Matthew Spiegel, Dana Scott, and Peter Thorell have been credited as the producers of the series for Netflix.