Emmerich’s blockbuster, “Moonfall, “was released on February 4, 2022. The story begins with Brian Harper, an extremely talented astronaut who is working on a 2011 space mission. But then an anonymous black swarm poses a sudden attack, and all the members present for the mission are killed.
Houseman is a theorist, and he discovers that Moon’s orbit is slowly nearing the earth, and he wishes to take Harper’s help to share his discoveries, but Harper refuses. This urges him to rush to social media. But then, on reaching the earth, nobody believes this incident and Harper is dismissed from the mission.
NASA tends to this discussion and launches a mission to take care of this, but ten years later, the same incident occurs, and the swarms return to attack the members of this mission. Three of them are killed here too.
The Disasters
As the Moon approaches the earth, the disasters embrace the planet. Tsunamis, abnormal gravity movements, atmospheric pressure disturbances etc. It is then revealed that NASA had discovered that Apollo 11 had faced certain issues on the Moon. And then, an attempt to kill the swarm was initiated.
What was the Purpose of the Swarm?
The swarm was actually drawing off the energy by a degenerate dwarf located in the center of the Moon. And this resulted in the destabilization of the megastructure’s orbit. The orders to cast a nuclear strike on the MoonMoon were initiated, but the Air Force Chief of Staff didn’t abide by this plan and refused to launch the strike.
Eventually, K. C. gives up his life by giving himself to the swarm. The power returns, and the Moon goes back to its original orbit.
Reviews from the Critics
The ratings for the blockbuster is 3 out of 5. The movie is too much about the disaster and was way ahead of the character development phase. The audience expected some more from the movie, but this left them feeling completely devastated.
The reviews clearly state that the fans are rather disappointed in the movie, and it was also noticed that the movie didn’t exactly deliver the excitement promised through the movie’s trailer.
The Trailer
The trailer didn’t seem to give away the gist of the movie, but that short span of a few minutes did make the audience talk about the movie. They were pretty excited to go and watch, but the first itself fetched some strange reviews about the movie, and now we’re left with some poorly attended science fiction acts.
It could have been a rather promising movie, but it seems to have shattered the promises. And unfortunately didn’t fetch the Moon that the audience was expecting. The movie was financed with a huge sum, and now that doesn’t seem worth it too. But we’re expecting to hear more from the audiences who are left to watch the movie.