The movie, Roosevelt, is the upcoming movie of Leonardo DiCaprio. The movie will follow Roosevelt’s transformation from a slender, pampered New York political leader with a Harvard college education to the muscly commanding general of the Rough Riders. This path would contribute him to the senate seat of New York, the vice presidency, and the White House when William McKinley was gunned down.
The movie is expected to release in 2023, and the actual date can be confirmed to be 14th July. Very little information is available yet for this upcoming blockbuster, but we will provide you with everything we have in store with us.
Roosevelt Release Date: July 14, 2023
There is no official information about the exact release date, but since the filming of this movie is in process, we are speculating that the movie will release on July 14, 2023. We had a short update about the filming position in the year 2017, and it was then said that it was still under development status. TBA will announce the final release date. This movie will be distributed theatrically by Paramount Pictures (USA). The production companies are Appian Way and Sikelia Productions.
What to Expect?
The movie’s plot will follow Roosevelt’s transformation from a slender, pampered New York political leader with a Harvard college education to the muscly commanding general of the Rough Riders. This path would contribute him to the senate seat of New York, the vice presidency, and the White House when William McKinley was gunned down. The book is extensively based on Edmund Morris’s books- Theodore Roosevelt (a trilogy).
We have just confirmed the protagonist’s role, which is being acted by the legend, Leonardo DiCaprio. He will be playing the role of Theodore Roosevelt. Information of other cast members is still not available to us for writing it for you all. But we are sure that this movie will be a hit since all the Leonardo DiCaprio movies eventually are. And hence, there will be an experienced cast.
Who All are the Crew Members?
Martin Scorsese is directing this blockbuster film. Scott Bloom is credited for his writing of the screenplay. The production team includes Jennifer Davisson, Chuck Pacheco, Martin Scorsese, and Leonardo DiCaprio himself. Francine Maisler is the person behind the selection of cast members. We all know that there are very few actors who perform their own stunts.
However, for the rest of them, the person who decides the casts usually hires stunt performers who perform the stunts on behalf of the actors and the actresses. In the case of this very speculated film, Francois Groenewald is a stunt performer, and he is the one performing the same on behalf of the protagonist.
Is the Trailer Out?
No, there is no available trailer out for the movie yet. We will definitely let you know the details when we get them. But hopefully, the trailer will be out soon. And to be honest, we cannot wait to get our hands on it.
High chances of the trailer getting out soon. As it is already 2023 and this has been the formally dedicated year for the production and release of the movie Roosevelt. Moreover, with stars like our very own DiCaprio, it will be one hell of a show.
Technical Specification
It is going to be a colored film with an aspect ratio of 2.35:1.
Being said that we cannot wait to have a look at this cinematic masterpiece. We expect that this piece gets the love from its viewers that it rightfully deserves. Now we do not it for sure, but we expect this creation to be at par with movies like those of the classics.
No, there is no available trailer out for the movie yet. We will definitely let you know the details when we get them.