It is kind of traumatic and awful to know how people can turn the tables and target a particular individual because of her Political Interest. We know that the United States of America has always been divided into two political sects- Democratic and Republican. While people largely applaud the Democrats because of their political agendas, Republicans stand against the notions preferred by the Democrats.
But as we mentioned being of a political sect doesn’t really imply your morals and virtues to be similar to the Party and treating someone wrong because of it doesn’t really make us Human. However, it can’t be denied that every story has two sides as every coin has. Let’s just delve into the prospects of the differences of opinion.

It was reported that Meghan McCain was treated poorly on the sets of “The View” because she carried conservative views and opinions eventually leading the famous American Personality to quit the show. In a podcast named Bad Republican, Meghan McCain spoke about how she was mistreated by her colleagues all through the days of her postpartum anxiety.
She said that working in that kind of environment became toxic for her because people started to detach themselves from Meghan because of her Political Choice of being a Republican. Meghan continued in her podcast speaking that before the former President of the United States Donald Trump came into power everything was going well. She had maintained great terms with her colleagues.
But when Donald Trump swayed as the President back in 2016, Meghan faced a real nightmare in her work life. She was targeted by her colleagues for being a Republican and carrying Conservative Views. When the country faced a lot of crisis because of the mismanagement of administration by Trump, her work life went potentially toxic day by day until she made up her mind to quit “The View”.

When asked about Meghan McCain to Whoopi Goldberg and Sara Haines, they aren’t much bothered about her quitting or speaking trash about the show. When asked Whoopi Goldberg in an interview if she is bothered by the statement Meghan McCain made in her podcast by calling the show “Toxic”, Whoopi simply nodded a “No” and added that she is concerned about herself and nothing more and neither she has time pondering over what others have poured the opinions for.
When Whoopi Goldberg was asked if Meghan McCain will ever be welcomed to the sets of “The View” or not, she avoided answering the question and rather indicated to ask the Showrunners or the Producers.

Sara Haines also shared the same boat with Whoopi Goldberg when asked about Meghan McCain’s move of quitting the show. She said it might be a bittersweet experience for McCain and she found the sets “Toxic” but Sara never felt like this in her entire work phase. Sara’s maturity while answering the question was commendable when she said everyone has their own experiences and own way of analyzing things, Sara Haines loved the show and the entire vibe and she never faced any toxicity.
In her audiobook “Bad Republican”, Meghan McCain stated that Whoopie Goldberg was thoroughly generous to her in the first two years as she had promised to late John McCain to take care of Meghan during her odd days. But when Donald Trump was sworn in as the President everything went upside down for her even the behavior of Whoopi changed.
Meghan said that the entire staff including Joy and Whoopi left her alone in her bad phase and treated her as unequal because of her Party Choice and worse the Ruling President at that time.