Shin Kamen Rider is a Japanese film that is all set to be released in 2023. The film is penned by Hideaki Anno and also produced under his direction with the producer Shinichiro Shirakura. Shin Kamen Rider is based on Shotaro Ishinomori’s Kamen Rider and has been aided by the Ishimori Productions, Cine Bazar, and Toei production companies. Toei Co. Ltd will distribute the film.
The officials declared the film to be airing soon, on April 3, 2021, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the franchise. The film is full of action and narrates the story of a group of youths who plans to dominate the world by evil means on the one hand and a man who tries to eradicate them, a war between good and evil.
Expected Release Date and Cast
Several films got postponed to air due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Shin Kamen Rider would have aired earlier if the shooting was not interrupted by the pandemic. In September 2021, officials announced that the penning of the story had been completed, and filming was going to commence soon. The officials have released a brief synopsis to provide the audience a glimpse of the film and arouse their curiosity regarding the film.
The leading actors who are sure to be seen in the film are SosukeIkematsu and Minami Hemabe. The officials have revealed no other cast members, so the audience has to wait a little more to know what more is there to get revealed. As of now, Shin Kamen Rider is to get its release date in the year 2023 in Japan.
The Plot of Shin Kamen Rider
The story of Shin Kamen Rider revolves around Takeshi Hongo, a student who gets abducted by an evil man, the Man-Spider to Shocker, who tries to change him into a Cyborg. However, Takeshi succeeds in escaping from their grip and is determined to become the first Kamen Rider and fight these evil groups.
Ruriko Midorikawa believes that Kamen Rider killed her father and determines to avenge him. In the course of time, she gets to know that it was Shocker who was responsible for her father’s death and groups with Kamen to avenge Shocker. Who is going to win? Will the duo get what they want? It is revealed that another rider will be seen accompanying the duo but who? Maybe it is intentionally being not revealed to arouse curiosity among the fans.
Is it Worth Watching?
If you love action, you definitely need to watch the film. The film surely excites you with action, drama, and fantasy. It is also a war between good and evil and thus can be watched by anyone of any age. Since it is going to air quite late from now, not much is been known. If you have watched the preceding Kamen Rider film, you must be knowing how exciting they are to watch. Till then, stay tuned and be updated with us to know more information about the film.