Snakehead is a 2021 American Crime Drama and action – thriller film that had its premiere in the Toronto International Film Festival 2021 under the discovery section. The plotline revolves around Tse, a Taiwanese woman who comes to New York illegally in the hope of reuniting with her daughter.
The film is written and directed by Evan Jackson Leong and produced by Evan Jackson Leong, Anson Ho, Dan Mark, and Brian Yang. The film received mixed reviews from the critics and managed to get an average rating.
Is it Worth Watching or Not?
The plotline revolves around Tse, a Taiwanese woman who comes to New York illegally in the hope of reuniting with her daughter. Tse comes to New York with the help of a human smuggler called Snakehead and gets trapped in the world of crime while she is working in the brothel. She works hard and tries to rise up her rank to get the money she requires for her freedom to reunite with her daughter Rosie whose custody was taken away from her while she was serving her jail sentence.
Tse faces several hurdles in her way, and each step comes at a cost. The cast of Snakehead consists of Shuya Chang, who plays the character of Sister Tse; Sung Kang, who plays the character of Rambo; Jade Wu, who plays the character of Dai Mah; Devon Diep who plays the character of Sinh; and Richie Ng who plays the character of Pai Gwut.
Celia Au, who plays the character of Jai, Jamie Choi, who plays the character of Barbie, Perr Yung, who plays the character of Suhyun, Sandra Iolani, who plays the character of Olivia, Catherine Jiang, who plays the character of Tse’s daughter Rosie along with several others. It will be interesting to know whether Tse will be able to reunite with her daughter again or will be trapped in the world of crime and suffering, which might keep the audience hooked while watching the film.
Where to Watch it?
Snakehead is a 2021 American Crime Drama and action – thriller film that had its premiere in the Toronto International Film Festival 2021 under the discovery section. The film was released on October 29, 2021, and had a limited theatrical release. The film is not available for streaming on various digital streaming services and whether or not any of the OTT platforms has claimed the rights is not yet.
Is there a Sequel Planned?
Snakehead is a 2021 American Crime Drama and action – thriller film that had its premiere in the Toronto International Film Festival 2021 under the discovery section. As of now, there is no official confirmation yet about whether or not the film will have a sequel. Though the movie seems complete, a sequel on the cards or not can be confirmed only by the makers.