Station 19 is an ongoing American drama and action TV series created by Stacy Mc Kee. The show is based on the firefighters of Seattle Station 19 Fire Station. The show was premiered first in 2018 and fans have shown immense love and has a global fan following.
Release Date
The new episode of Station 19 will air on 9 th December 202, at 8 P. M. Eastern. The episode has been delayed earlier because the network aired two Disney programs which were festive specials that people enjoyed.
Recap of the previous episode
The previous episode started showing a clip of Vic Hughe’s Recovery from her electrocution and heart attack, and she is overcoming the loss of Dean, but she decides to join the firefighters for Thanksgiving. Jack had a tough time but offers to help cook for dinner to relax. In the interim, Ben brought Dean’s daughter, when she was asking the same question, “Where’s Daddy?” Ben received a call and had to leave and left Pruitt in Maya’s and Carina’s care.
Travis confronted his father, Pail Montgomery because he lied to his mother. Emmett cracks a joke on Paul’s statement, that is when he shared how everyone is grateful for something. But Paul screamed at Emmett calling him gay and he loves a man. He screamed in front of his wife who did not know about the secret but she insisted on him getting married even though she knew something was different.
The viewers learned that Ingrid’s husband died from Carbon Monoxide poisoning only one year before the burnt down. She was distressed about another fire starting in her shop and as a result, she repeatedly calls them. Ben invited Ingrid to the Thanksgiving party but Sullivan told him it’s a bad idea.
Ingrid reached Station 19 and she was caught off guard because she did not know that Ben was married and she wanted to leave, but Ben insisted her on staying and later confessed that she thought it was a date. She had PTSD and Ben admits her to the hospital to cure her disorder.
Diane stops by to check on Vic, and ensure that Crisis One will not die, but Vic talks about Dean’s death which hurt more her more than her fiance’s death. Carina talked with Gibson about letting go of all her grief and making a fresh start, but the sprinklers went off in the kitchen because the smoke was coming out from the oven which was set on clean, destroying the entire Thanksgiving meal, but Andy shows up at Station 23 with dinner.
Plot Speculation
In the upcoming episode, we will see things worsening with Ben and Miranda’s situation. They will try to persuade Dean’s parents into letting them raise Pruitt. However, things did not go as Ben and Miranda planned and instead Ben wants to fight for Pruitt. There can be a battle in the court for the custody of Pruitt.
While at Station 23 Andy’s role as a substitute has been extended. Sullivan fills in a form for the role of a captain, but Andy steps up and it feels that he has certain qualities which can be important for being the captain. We can either witness the two characters missing each other or they will continue working together which will lead to tearing their bond into pieces.
Where to watch?
Station 19 can be watched on ABC network on cable during the time of air. However, if you can not get time to watch the show during the time of air you have multiple options such as the ABC website and on the ABC app as well but the new episodes will be available the next day after it is aired on television, you can also watch with Prime membership by adding ABC in their active plan, and it is available on Hulu.