This is an amazing Japanese animation series based on superheroes and comic books. The first season consisted of thirteen episodes. The series was released on Netflix this year itself on November 25.
What Is The Show About?
Johnny Bolt is a crook, though on a very small scale and a local one too. He has made arrangements to form a team that would consist of eight such villains that would help him in various activities. Johnny is now planning to use this team to conduct a heist in Japan.
Season 2
This show is based on a novel written by Mark Miller. And this show has a name that well suggests the happenings of the show. It is about a huge heist taking place in Japan. Johnny is a small-town villain, but then his dreams and aspirations are way beyond small-town aspirations. He wants to climb the heights of glory and immense fortune.
He wanted to achieve certain heights and become a superhero. He doesn’t want to stay a small-town fellow. But then he realizes that he has a talent that would fetch him fortune without him becoming an actual superhero. He’s a mastermind at conducting and carrying out crimes, so he wishes to continue that way.
What Do We Know About Johnny’s Life?
Johnny loves a girl named Kasey. And since Johnny is in the heist plan, she agrees to abide by him. She agrees to be a part of Heat’s mission. The heist would be about taking over the superhero institution’s headquarters. The couple intended to go on a very big scale job and perform this heist. They wanted to run this job and then gather a huge amount and then retire peacefully, but then things didn’t go according to what they had planned.
The show has received a good response so far from the audience, and the plot has been praised a lot of times. And if you’ve watched the first season, you would definitely want to know about the coming of the second season.
Release Date For The Second Season
Season 1 of the show was released on November 25, 2021. It was released on Netflix. And the episodes have a running time of approximately 30 minutes long.
But here’s what you should know about the coming of the second season, Netflix has not yet confirmed the development of the second season so far. The animation developers had planned the show in such a way that the first season has almost made the show very clear.
What Can We Expect From This Season?
In season one, we saw that Johnny had been released from jail. And then immediately, he gets along with his girlfriend and goes to the headquarters to plan out the heist.
This season will probably be about the way they would carry out this plan and then execute it. Johnny and his girlfriend have even made the plan to join the heat group.