Featuring the talents of DC Extended Universe’s Aquaman Jason Momoa and directed by Brian Andrew Mendoza, Sweet Girl established a steady fanbase with its emotionally wrecking plot lines and twists. The story revolves around the Cooper family as they deal with the heartbreaking loss of the matriarch Amanda to cancer. Ray, the husband, and his daughter Rachel find it extremely hard to cope with the death and are furious when they find out that Amanda could’ve been saved if a particular drug hadn’t been taken off the market.
Ray blames the pharmaceutical company Bio Prime and their CEO Simon Keeley and will stop at nothing to seek vengeance. This psychological action thriller has been praised for its realistic portrayal and consequences to actions. As Ray and Rachel cruise through life and death situations, they uncover secrets and conspiracies of the wildest dreams.
While the critic appreciation is not stellar, Sweet Girl has become a huge hit for Netflix since it premiered on August 20. Given that it continues to rack up impressive numbers, Netflix might award viewers an exciting sequel that closes off some loose ends and adds another layer to the complex storyline.
Possibility of a Sequel
As revealed in the mind-blowing plot twist in the third act of Sweet Girl, Ray has been dead long before, two years to be exact, the movie’s timeline takes place. All the reflective vengeance has been carried out solely by the daughter Rachel and her immense grief. This means it was her that killed Simon and managed to escape the FBI through quick-witted trickery. The last scene shows Rachel on her way to Canada, where she plans to disappear and start a new life. Because of such a flexible ending, it leaves room for a second movie.
Expected Release Date
A second movie, predecessor or successor, to Sweet Girl, hasn’t been confirmed by the directors or Netflix. After production for the original movie started in November 2020, it was swiftly completed in just three months and later released in August 2021. It all depends on how many viewers Sweet Girl attracts. If a second movie is announced within the next few months, we might see our favorite characters return to the screen by 2023.
Expected Storyline
Although Rachel was seen getting on the plane to Canada, she might change her mind and come back to her hometown Pittsburgh, where all the movie’s action sequences took place. She might continue her fight against the monetization of health care and realize how intense corruption still runs even after Simon was killed. There could even be a prequel that will feature Ray, alive, and the events that led to Rachel’s behavior, because of which she ended up creating her father’s alter ego in her mind as a defense mechanism.
Isabela Merced has expressed interest in coming back to play the complex role of Rachel because she enjoys playing such a “flawed hero.” She also wishes to join the same stunt team that has helped her before tapping into her inner action hero.