The 2003 animated scientific fiction film, The Animatrixis the compilation of nine short films that are animated and tell the story behind The Matrix series and how the fight between humans and machines led to the creation of Matrix as well as also providing the alternate stories in the sideline of the series universe.
The short films have been directed by Andy Jones, Yoshiaki Kawajiri, Mahiro Maeda, Takeshi Koike, Shinichirō Watanabe, Peter Chung and Kōji Morimoto. The Wachowskis have helmed the production. So if you are planning to give this one a watch, keep on reading.
Where to Watch The Animatrix Online?
The interested viewers can stream the movie on HBO Max and Spectrum on Demand on high defination. Apart from this, the facility to rent and purchase this sci-fi film can be availed from iTunes, YouTube, DirecTV, Vudu, Google Play Movies, Amazon Prime Video, Microsoft Store and Redbox. Furthermore, the movie will be available in HD format on all the service providers.
What to Know Before Watching The Animatrix?
The film comprised a collection of original short nine animated ones titled Final Flight of the Osiris, The Second Renaissance Part I, The Second Renaissance Part II, Kid’s Story, Program, World Record, Beyond, Detective Story, the last one being Matriculated.
Coming from world-renowned directors with innovative stories and outstanding animation, these nine films tell the story that are visually amazing and provide us with newer details that also include the creation of the Matrix. It stars famous actors who lend their voices to enhance the experience in these shorts.
Who are All there in The Animatrix?
The nine short films have different voice actors in them. In Final Flight of the Osiris, there are Kevin Michael Richardson, Pamela Adlon, Tom Kenny, John DiMaggio, Bette Ford, Rick Gomez and Tara Strong. Julia Fletcher, Debi Derryberry, Dane Davis, Jill Talley, James Arnold Taylor, Dwight Schultz and Jill Talley lent their voices in The Second Renaissance I and II. Kid’s Story comprised of Clayton Watson.
Carrie-Anne Moss, Keanu Reeves, Kevin Michael Richardson, John DeMita and James Arnold Taylor, whereas Program had Phil LaMarr, Hedy Buress and John DiMaggio. Victor Williams, Julia Fletcher, Alex Fernandez, Kevin Michael Richarson, Tara Strong, Allison Smith and John Wesley were the ones to voice the characters in World Record. Hedy Buress, Kath Soucie, Tara Strong, Pamela Adlon, Matt McKenzie, Tress MacNeille and others were in Beyond.
The second last film in the series A Detective Story had James Arnold Taylor, Matt McKenzie, Terrence C. Carson and Carrie-Anne Moss while Matriculatedcomprised of Rodney Saulsberry, Melinda Clarke, Olivia D’Abo, Dwight Schultz, James Arnold Taylor and Jack Fletcher.
What Else About The Animatrix?
Post the film’s release, and it garnered a fairly positive response from the critics. It garnered an 89% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, thereby justifying the hype it created. The audience gave similar positive feedback of the film, with the film earning a whopping $68 million revenue through sales.