The Blacklist is an American television drama series that revolves around the genre of crime and thriller. The series was first premiered on September 23, 2013, and is directed by Michael W. Watkins. The series had a good run of about nine seasons, and The Blacklist season 9 episode 6 is releasing on December 9, 2021.
The series revolves around Raymond Red Reddington, who is an ex-naval officer in the US Navy and is also a high profile criminal who voluntarily gets arrested by the FBI and insists upon helping them with a list of the most wanted criminals across the world in exchange for protection from getting into trails.
The Blacklist season 9 premiered on October 21, 2021. As of now, the fans are really excited to watch episode 6 of The Blacklist on December 9, 2021, which is releasing after quite a long time.
Why Is There Such A Long Hiatus?
Episode 6 of The Blacklist on December 9, 2021, is releasing after quite some time. After the release of episode 5 on November 18, 2021. The Blacklist makers supposedly took a break between the first five episodes and the rest of the episodes. It is speculated that the break is a thanksgiving break, and the release of the further episodes will be resumed shortly.
When Is Episode 6 Releasing?
The Blacklist season 9 premiered on October 21, 2021. The Blacklist season 9 episode 6 is releasing on December 9, 2021, after a long hiatus of about three weeks. The fans are surely excited to resume their favorite series after quite a long time.
Where To Watch It?
The Blacklist season 9 episode 6 is releasing on December 9, 2021, on NBC at 8 pm, according to the ET. Each episode has a run time of about 40 minutes to 45 minutes, and Thursday is a day fixed for the release of new episodes. One can also watch the series on Netflix, excluding the current season.
What To Expect In Episode 6?
The Blacklist season 9 episode 6 is releasing on December 9, 2021, on NBC at 8 pm. According to the official synopsis of The Blacklist, The Task Force has to investigate a therapist. The therapist is believed to be the key who can lead the task force to stop the emerging of an organized crime family. However, Red wants to have his own investigation.
Since the previous episode ended with no promo, there is not much to speculate about what will happen in episode 6. However, one thing is sure that there is a lot of thrill on the cards. The cast of season 9 includes Fiona Dourif, James Spader, Tom Martin, Amir Arison, Ted Williams, Diego Klatenhoff, along with others. The fans are surely excited to know what will happen in the upcoming episode of The Blacklist.