The Flash is an American superhero based action and adventure drama series that was first aired in the year 2014. Flash has been on the air for the last seven seasons, and currently, season 8 is on air. The film is based on the character of DC Comics named Flash or Barry Allen. Season 8 of Flash premiered on November 16, 2021, and the season is set in Arrowverse, running parallelly to the clothes shows of the universe.
Berlanti Productions, Warner Bros. Television, and DC Entertainment are the producers of the show. The showrunner of the superhero show for season 8 is Eric Wallace. The latest episode in season 8, episode 5 of Flash, was released on December 14, 2021, and in case you missed it, here are all the updates you need to know.
What Shouldn’t You Miss Knowing If You Missed Watching It?
Flash Season 8 Episode 5 is named “Armageddon, Part 5”, and the episode depicts Barry getting reunited with Joe, but they are met by Darhk, who is facing a problem in his erasure due to the time stone. The CCPD is attacked by Thawne, but Barry and Mia Quen stop him.
On the other hand, Thawne seeks Barry’s help and requests him to save him from the erasure. Barry and Iris let Despero live on Joe’s request but soon take possession of Mia and threaten to attack the Central City.
Soon enough, Despero’s evil secrets are revealed in front of Barry, and then he depowers Despero. With Despero being away, Barry tries hard to save Thawne from erasure, but Darhk, on the other hand, bids goodbye to his daughter before his erasure. Meanwhile, Mia gets a clue about an organization that might have William and decides to go. The episode ends with a photo of Nora West Allen and Bart Allen in 2014.
Who Is In The Cast?
The cast of Flash Season 8 includes Grant Gustin, who plays the character of Barry Allen or The Flash; Candice Patton, who plays the character of Iris West Allen, Danielle Panabaker, who plays the character of Caitlin Snow; Danielle Nicolet, who plays the character of Cecile.
Kayla Compton plays the character of Allegra Garcia, Brandon McNight, who plays the character of Chester P. Runk and Jesse L. Martin, who plays the character of Joe West.
Where To Watch It?
Flash Season 8 was released on November 16, 2021, and can be streamed on Hulu+ Live TV, DIRECTV, and Youtube TV. Season 8 Episode 5 can be streamed online on these specified channels, and the new episode will be released on CW first.
When Is The Upcoming Episode Releasing?
The Flash season 8 is on a hiatus after the release of episode 5 on December 14, 2021. Season 8 Episode 6 will release in 2022. However, the exact date is not confirmed as of now.