Peacock network presented a new supernatural horror story. The series revolves around a peaceful, beautiful character named Carrie. Carrie tries to escape from her colony, where she has lived since her childhood in the woods. The population living in the colony was very old-fashioned and had a very faded view of things. Carrie finally makes a big move and thinks of settling somewhere else in the city.
Finally, she tries to build a new life with blooming thoughts in a small sleeping mining town of West Pine. After having a peaceful life, all of a sudden, some thoughts start haunting her and pull back into her past. She clasps her past and thinks of a hunting monster killer. The monster killer was someone who was trained to protect the world from unthinkable horror.
The unthinkable horror originated deep back from the secret doors of the woods, which she left behind. Besides drama and horror, the series also shows some elements of discrimination, criticism, and inequality and touches on some of the social issues.
Total Number of Episodes in Season 1 of The Girl in the Woods Season 1
The horror series consists of 8 episodes. All the episodes telecasted show continuation of the horror story and amaze all the fans. All the episodes have fascinating titles and have different elements which touch the hearts of the fans.
The Cast of The Girl in The Woods Season 1
The most famous, beautiful, and versatile actors have participated in the series. Kylie Liya Page, Leonard Roberts, Stefanie Scott, Will Yun Lee, Sofia Bryant, Misha Osherovich, Reed Diamond, and many more. The team effort of all has been successful with flying colors.
Rating of The Girl in The Woods Season 1
IMDb rated it 5.2/10, Rotten Tomatoes rated it 4/10. Hopefully, the series would have met all the expectations of the fans from the horror content.
Reviews of the Fans for The Girl in the Woods Season 1
Many of the fans, after seeing the series, were satisfied, but many were not. Some of them gave 3.5 stars out of 5 but were not willing to give 4 even. Some of the fans said: that the series was a great psychological thriller that kept them glued. Great characters, great acting, and left them thinking what will happen next.
Some were afraid of the series and rated it low. Crime Reviews said about the series that the story fascinated them, the content was good, storyline attracted and satisfied. Many liked it, many did not, many were satisfied, and many were not. But this horror story tried to maintain the legacy of scaring all and attracting all by the storyline.
Release Date of The Girl in the Woods Season 1
The series was released on October 21, 2021. The fans liked the horror story, and hopefully, it met the expectations of the fans. One by one, all the episodes left fans curious, and the horror concept also scared them all.