The most awaited British historical television series based on fictional characters, The Last Kingdom, is coming with its fifth season. This epic television show has been adapted from The Saxon Stories, which is a novel series. However, Bernard Cornwell has composed the novel. The fifth season will cover the 9th and 10th volumes of the novel.
The story of the series is based on the fight for the kingdom during the 8th and 9th centuries AD. Previously the first two seasons of the series premiered in 2015 on BBC America. But later, Netflix took the charges of the show The Last Kingdom in 2018. This historical series has received many positive reviews from the audiences as well as from the critics. Rotten Tomatoes has rated the series 87%. However, as time passes and because of the new season’s arrival, the ratings have reached a high peak.
The Release Date of the Fifth Season
The prior season of The Last Kingdom premiered on April 26, 2020. There were ten episodes of this season, and it was aired on Netflix. After the completion of this season, the makers have announced the upcoming season. Netflix has openly declared the fifth renewal season of the series on July 7, 2020. However, according to the sources, the actors and the makers had a plan to start up with the shooting in November 2020.
But due to the global pandemic, this plan has not been executed properly. Although in Hungary, some crucial scenes of the upcoming new season have already been captured by the makers. After gathering all the information about the show, the fifth season of The Last Kingdom may hit Netflix in 2021 or 2022.
The Cast List of the Fifth Season
The viewers can expect that the prior cast members will make a comeback in the upcoming fifth season. The cast members include Alexander Dreymon as Uhtred, Mark Rowley as Finan, Millie Brady as Aethelflaed, Arnas Fedaravicius as Sihtric, Emily Cox as Brida. Apart from them, some other co-members are Eva Birthistle as Hild, James Northcote as Aldhelm, Jeppe Beck Laursen as Haesten, Timothy Innes as Edward, Toby Regbo as Aethelred. The observers won’t look upon the two famous faces of the series as their end has already been acknowledged in the fourth season. The two characters are Father Beocca, killed in Bebbanburg during Uhtred’s attack, and Aelswith, who was poisoned.
The Plot Summary of the Fifth Season
The prior season of The Last Kingdom ends on an intensive note. The season ended with how Danes occupied Winchester. However, like the previous season, this season will also bring some interesting historical issues. This time the makers has themselves have assured about the unexpected storyline of the fifth season. The fifth season will cover up the ‘Warriors of the Storm’ and ‘The Flame Bearer,’ the 9th and 10th editions of the book. The fifth season of the series will bring up more spice to the story of Uhtred’s children. Their resemblance will take over roles in the series. The main characters will try to pull up their failure into their success.
The Trailer of the Fifth Season
The new season trailer has already out, and it has gathered many positive responses from the viewers.
The viewers have very high expectations from this upcoming new season. However, the makers have already assured about the intensity of the season. So now the onlookers are way more confident about the success of the upcoming season of The Last Kingdom.