Premiered on January 2, 2019, “The Masked Singer” is a singing reality show where celebrities face off against each other by singing songs. However, their identity is kept a secret behind some costumes, e.g., Mother Nature, Beach Ball, Caterpillar, Bull, Dalmatian, and so on.
The concept and name of the show have been taken from a South Korean franchise that has the same title. “The Masked Singer” is already on the list of one of the most popular reality shows on television.
Is Season 7 Of “The Masked Singer” Confirmed In The Queue?
This reality show has been gaining immense popularity within its audience because of its unique and entertaining concept. Fan’s love for the series can be sensed by the number of seasons of the series. The series has six seasons till now, which can increase in number in the future.
If you’re one of the series fans and want to know if its seventh season is coming or not, you’re in the right place. Fox has yet to provide any information about the probable renewal of the show. It is still unclear if the show will make a comeback for season 7. However, there are rumors that the show will be returning by early or late 2022.
However, there isn’t any official confirmation for the same, so the only thing we can do is to pin our hopes for a successful comeback of the show.
Cast: Season 7 Of “The Masked Singer”
Nick Cannon hosts the show, and the reality show is judged by a panel of judges who try to recognize the celebrity behind the mask. Season 6 had grounded with some slight changes like; Judge could smash the buzzer if they recognize the celebrity in the middle of the performance. I guess a judge is correct, the celebrity will have to remove their mask, and he/she will be eliminated at the point.
The entire cast of “The Masked Singer” has been stayed unchanged since its premiere on Fox. All six seasons of the Korean series have been hosted by Nick Cannon, while all the six seasons have been judged by Jeny McCarthy, Nicole Scherzinger, Robin Thicke, and Ken Jeong.
If Season 7 of “The Masked Singer” streams again, the same cast is expected to run the show. However, Fox has still been tight-lipped about the comeback of season 7.
Overview: Season 6 of “The Masked Singer”
Season six of “The Masked Singer” has made its debut in September 2021. However, the season couldn’t perform as well as expected. The numbers of ratings are lower than in recent previous seasons; they are nonetheless impressive. Even though the magic of the show couldn’t raise the ratings, it continues to be on the top of the list of most popular shows on Fox.
The decline in the rating may bring some drastic changes in the release schedule. Maybe the number of seasons per year will be reduced from two seasons per year to one season per year.