This is a crime thriller series that was available to watch on BBC One and Amazon Prime Video. Due to the global pandemic, the filming was put to a stop, and it was only this year in the month of January that the announcement for the renewal of the second series was made.
What is the Story About?
This story is about seven people who are complete strangers to each other, and they all hail from very different backgrounds and have gone through much in life. They have to complete a service for the community, and that would be unpaid too. And this is something that they’ve been asked to do forcefully. This community service had to be performed in Bristol.
Things take an awkward turn as these strangers don’t know what they have in store for themselves when they get hold of a huge sum of money in a bag. And there’s a bunch of very wicked and dangerous people who are looking for that bag.
Season 2
The coming of the second season was announced way before the first season could dawn. The first episode of the first season was released this year in the month of October, and the last episode of this season will be made available to the audience on November 29, 2021.
With that said, we can expect the second season to be here any time. The first season saw a lot of delays, and filming had to be stopped because of covid, but now with things going back to normal, we’re not seeing any more disruptions in the way. However, we do not have an exact date by now.
Trailer for the Second Season
We’re sorry to disappoint you here, as there is no trailer for this season by now. But we would definitely want you to know that you should keep your expectations high as the first season is about to end soon, and we will have to make room for the second season now.
What can We Expect from the Second Season?
As we know, there are seven main characters in this show. So we might see them again in the second season as well. The first season has not been completed yet, so we cannot predict anything about the second season. Because only after watching the final episode of the first season can we make those assumptions.
However, you might have certain things in mind seeing the first season, and thus there could be certain possibilities too. Maybe the second season will answer some questions from the first season that were left unanswered, such as who was that gunman? Will this community service last long?
Is it Worth Watching or Not?
For those of you who have watched the first season, you might be curious to know what happens in the second one, so yes, it is indeed worth watching. The plot itself is simple yet interesting. Who wouldn’t want to find heaps of money while cleaning up, that’s a normal gesture.
A simple room cleaning fetches you so many treasures that you had lost, and now you’re happy to find them, and here it’s money! How would you like it?!