The Putin Interviews is a documentary television series written and directed by Oscar-winning filmmaker Oliver Stone. It was aired on June 12, 2017. It was the first time on Showtime. This series was based on a set of interviews with Vladimir Putin, organized by Oliver Stone from the year 2015 to 2017. It was a four-hour-long or four parted series consisting of four episodes released in a row from June 12, 2017, to June 15, 2017. Showtime Networks and IM Global Television have done the distribution of this legendary series worldwide.
Aired on
The Putin Interviews was aired on June 12, 2017. It lasted for four days and the final episode aired on June 15, 2017.
Where to Watch
‘The Putin Interviews’ is available on Showtime and FuboTV for a subscription.
It is also available for rent or purchase on Amazon Instant Video, iTunes, Vudu, and Google Play.
Is It Scripted Or Real?
It’s confusing, right! We can say that it is scripted as well as real. Oliver Stone planned the structure and the path of the way the interview should take. The real one was a thirty-hour plus interview session, but it was reduced to a four-hour series, making it not 100% real.
They interviewed over a two-year time, and just four episodes were released for the world to watch. Of course, it was a real interview session with real-life people, but the questions were constructed, and maybe the American filmmaker wanted to get something in particular from the Russian President.
The series began with Vladimir Putin’s biography. Putin told everything about his country Russia and how things worked in the past and then. He expressed his views on various topics like NATO, USSR, etc. Putin was forced to talk about Edward Snowden. He also said it’s dirty to spy on one’s allies.
In the series, we can see how Oliver managed to ask questions peacefully without challenging Putin. This interview also initiated flames of controversies like the video clip shown by Putin telling how Russian aviation was firing at militants in Syria. Later, the people said that it was the US firing at Afghani militants. The series came to be criticized and embraced by people worldwide. We can say that it was more of a question-answer session than a documentary.
The Putin Interviews won the audience award at the 23rd Sarajevo film festival in 2017.
The main title theme of the series was composed by Jeff Beal. It was nominated for Primetime Emmy Awards and Hollywood Music in Media Awards (HMMA) in 2018.
Show Rating
The Putin Interviews were enjoyed by a wide range of people worldwide and criticized by some others.
The biographical series has a rating of 75% on Rotten Tomatoes,7.5/10 on IMDb,and54% on Metacritic.