The Real World Homecoming: New York is a spin-off reality show series of The Real World and was 1st aired in the year 2021. The spin-off series had the cast of the 1st season and was set up in New York, the same as the original series. The Homecoming edition of the show was the 2nd reunion of the original show and showed the original cast members from the year 1992 who were moving back in time to a place where they lived then.
The cast members reflected on their lives and how the series changed their experiences and those of their families. The cast discussed how culture had changed their views and how things such as race and society were taken into consideration in modern television and expressed critical viewpoints.
The series was renewed for the reunion on Paramount + and was released in the United States January United States on March 04, 2021, and ran for a month’s duration and had a total of 6 episodes. It gathered a huge success overnight, and there is news coming that the series has been renewed for two seasons on Paramount+. The Real World Homecoming season 2 and season 3 will be released soon in the near future, and it will be interesting to see what the makers have in store for the audience.
Is The Real World Homecoming Up For A Renewal?
As per the recent news, The Real World Homecoming has been renewed for two seasons on Paramount + and MTV, and this time the cast of The Real World Los Angeles is set to reunite. As soon as the news broke, the fans surely could not await. As season one of The Real World Homecoming was a great hit, the makers surely know that these two seasons are going to be fans’ favorite as well.
If sources are to be believed, The Real World Homecoming season 2, we’ll go on air later this fall. Considering the huge success of the reunion type of series, the makers surely know how to suit the taste of the audience.
What To Expect From Season 2 And Season 3?
The Real World Homecoming: New York was an instant success and was critically acclaimed. Considering the huge success of season 1, the makers are back with The Real World Homecoming season 2 and 3. As per the reports, season 2 will see the reunion of the cast of The Real World: Los Angeles, where the cast members would meet, discuss and reflect upon the different aspects of the industry, their personal and professional lives, as well as the society.
Once can expects stars like Aaron Behle, Beth Anthony, Irene Barrera-Kearns, John Brennan, Tami Roman, David Edwards, and several other cast members. Even though the cast of season 3 isn’t confirmed yet, there are speculations that season 3 might be the reunion of The Real World: Seattle. The fans are surely excited for these upcoming seasons.