The Rookie is an American television-based series that comprises of action, drama and trials. The series was created by Alexi Hawley and Produced by Michele Greco, being aided by the ABC Studios, ABC Signature, Entertainment One and Perfect man Pictures production companies. The first season of the series was released 3years back, on October 16, 2018, and released 4 seasons till now.
The series focuses upon the protagonist, John Nolan, who became a police officer after an incident where he helped a team of officers during a bank burglary. He is the oldest officer in the team who takes dangerous missions and successfully helps the team to accomplish the missions.
Release Date and What to Know Before Watching
Your wait is over; the 9th episode of The Rookie will premiere within a few days, on December 12, 2021, at 10 pm ET/PT on ABC Network. In the former episode, fans witnessed how the team goes for their mission to trace the culprit, whose aim is to cause casualty to a huge mass of people. The team is doing their best and trying to trace him down, thereby going around the whole city to find him out.
Tim’s sister is also seen to be arising, making the episode all more astonishing for the team and the audience. Lopez is also seen struggling and trying to cope up with Wesley’s terms with Elijah.
Episode 9 Plot that can be Anticipated
The upcoming episode is expected to focus upon Wesley mostly, who is trying to do his best to get rid of Elijah and is leaving no stone unturned. Now this story of the duo is quite being long-drawn, and it is not yet known how it will end up.
On the other hand, Officer Bradford and Genny will also know some truth about their father that will have a huge impact on them. So what will it be the truth, and how will the duo cope with it? This new episode is really intriguing, so do not forget to watch it.
Many stars are featuring in this series who are, Nathan Fillion as John Nolan; Shawn Ashmore as Wesley Evers; Mekia Cox as Nyla Harper; Alyssa Diaz as Angela Lopez; Richard T. Jones as Wade Grey; Melissa O’ Neil as Lucy Chen and Eric Winter as Tim Bradford as the main cast. Other stars as supporting characters are and Kamar de Los Reyes as Ryan Caradine.
Dylan Conrique as Tamara Collins; Jenna Dewan as Bailey Nune; Tru Valentino as Aaron Thorsen; Brandon Jay McLaren as Elijah Stone and Brent Huff as Quigley Smitty.
Watch it or Skip it?
If you are a fan of the show, you should know better whether to watch the upcoming episode or not. The series is also exciting and thrilling to watch, and if you are bored with the dramas of other series, you should start watching The Rookie. The episodes are always new, and stories are made better as the series progresses. Watch the episodes and let us know your views about it.