The American teen comedy-drama The Sex Lives of College Girls will be released in the latter half of 2021. Created by Mindy Kaling, the series will be following the lives of four teen girls. Distributed by Warner Bros., the concept for the series was first announced in October 2019 at the HBO Max presentation. Previously the series was titled College Girls, which has now evolved to assume its more dramatic yet interestingly nuanced title of ‘The Sex Lives of College Girls’.
The series will have a total of 13 episodes. Mindy Kaling is creating, writing, and producing the series.
When will The Sex Lives of College Girls be Release?
In May last year, it was confirmed that the concerned series would make its release in 2021. For the pilot episode of the series, Mindy Kaling has penned the screenplay along with Justin Noble, the writer for Never Have I Ever. Noble is on the team as the executive producer of the show with Kaling and Howard Klein. While the series is slated for release in the Fall of 2021, no particular release date has been ascribed to the series.
Sherri Shepherd, a cast member of the series, had tweeted in June 2021 that the series will premiere on HBO Max in the fall of 2021. If her tweet is correct, the series is likely nearing its release date, and we will get to see it soon. The filming for the series had begun in November 2020.
Who is in the Cast of The Sex Lives of College Girls?
The plot will follow the lives of four 18-year-old girls. The cast members include Pauline Chalamet in the role of Kimberly, Renée Rapp as Leighton, and Alyah Chanelle Scott. Chalamet as Whitney. The cast also includes Amrit Kaur. Gavin Leatherwood will play Nico, Midori Francis as Alicia, and Christopher Meyer as Canaan. Sherri Shepherd is also on the team as Evette Chase.
What is the Plot of the Series?
The title of the series is self-explanatory. It will give various humorous, positive, and holistic insights into the sex lives of four 18-year-old girls who live together as roommates. They are college freshmen at the prestigious Essex College in New England. Hailing from Arizona’s suburbs, Kimberly enters college with an ambitious outlook, but college life may not seem like what she had expected. Bela is an outgoing person and very much sex-positive.
Leighton is a legacy student and is often perceived to be an entitled one. Finally, Whitney has strong and powerful characterization, as she hails from a notable family. The lives of these four characters are huddled together, and they will face the struggles and college hardships together while simultaneously exploring their sexually charged lives.
Is it Worth Waiting?
With Mindy Kaling helming the series, the series is undoubtedly a sure catch. Moreover, the plot looks interesting, and the characterization sounds promising, which easily gives away that the series will be worth watching, and hence one should not mind waiting for it.
The Sex Lives of College Girls will premiere on HBO Max this Fall of 2021.