The Stronghold is a 2020 crime thriller French film that was released initially as Bac Nord; the movie was directed by Cedric Jimenez, and it has been co-written by Audrey Diwan and Cedric Jimenez.
The movie casts an excellent and hardworking cast.
- Gilles Lellouche has portrayed the role of Gregory Cerva.
- Karim Leklou has portrayed the role of Yassine.
- Francois Civil has portrayed the role of Antoine.
- Adele Exarchopoulos has portrayed the role of Nora.
- Kenza Fortas has portrayed the role of Amel.
- Cyril Lecomte has portrayed the role of Jerome.
- Michael Abiteboul has portrayed the role of Jacques.
- Idir Azougli has portrayed the role of Kevin.
- Jean Yves Bereloot has portrayed the role of Yvon.
The film’s plot is about the scandal that took place a decade ago in 2012 in the anti-crime brigade of Marseille. Where eighteen of its members were accused of drug trafficking and racketeering.
When and Where to Watch
Netflix published a list for the films and TV series to be released in the month of September, and they have decided that The Stronghold will be available for streaming on September 17, 2021. Even though it was criticized by critics, the film was successful in making a massive fan base around the world and gained popularity. Therefore, it is coming to Netflix this September because Netflix tries to avail every TV series or movie which are popular in the masses.
Sadly this film is not available on popular streaming platforms such as Hulu, HBO Max, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+ Hotstar; moreover, this movie is not available for rent either. Usually, a movie or TV series is not available on different platforms because of its streaming rights and price. However, fans of the movie can purchase a membership of Netflix to watch the film, or they can wait for announcements by the OTT platforms regarding the movie.
Review of the Movie
The Stronghold, originally released as Bac Nord, was initially released in France on December 23, 2020. The film has been based on the actual case of the police officers of the Marseille anti-squad. The media of France have criticized this film because it portrays the melancholic reality of our society. And many media houses have stated that this film should not be given attention to what many French people have done. This film marked an “unease” atmosphere in the Cannes film festival.
Even though the journalists and critics have criticized it, the fans have loved the movie. And they showed their love on IMDB, giving it a rating of 7.4 out of 10. The audience loved the movie, and they enjoyed it because it was a crime film which means that this movie was full of action and was very brutal at times to watch. But it was for only the first part of the movie for the second part this movie became a drama.
The actors have done a fine job in playing their respective roles. And it felt like they were living their lives as the characters they were assigned to. Even though the film was shallow and raw because it lacked depth which is sad because it makes the film not convincing and thought-provoking, making the film miss the opportunity it had to become one of the best movies based on an actual event.