“Uncharted“ is an action-adventure based on a video game. It stars one of the famous characters from the Marvel family, Tom Holland. The film went into the development process in 2008, but then the production procedures were long and complicated, causing the delay. But you might be able to see just a few more familiar faces here.
It has a long list of writers, directors and cast attached to various points in the movie. The movie premiered in Spain on February 7, 2022. And Sony Pictures Releasing will have it finally released on February 11, 2022.
What is the Movie About?
Nathan Drake, a fictional character, is the main hero of the video game and the movie as well. Nathan has a partner, too, named Victor “Sully“ Sullivan. They both have to go against a wealthy but cruel treasure hunter and his men. Who like him are interested only in making money.
The Task for Nathan and Victor
Nathan and Victor have to bring back a considerable fortune in the form of gold that was thus lost in the voyages of Magellan. Ferdinand Magellan was an explorer, and he traveled to many places; this treasure dates back to his time. And it’s a really enormous task of bringing back fortune.
But that’s not the end of it; while searching for this treasure, Drake will be getting some clues that will eventually lead him to find his long-lost brother, who is named Sam.
Tom’s Dream Video Game
We didn’t know much about our beloved spiderman to have such great interest in video games, and here we’re seeing him for the first time in a different role. It was his dream to be here, and he has also expressed his interest in working in more such movies.
Tom stated in his interviews that he was interested in making “Jak and Daxter, “ And he would love to play the role of Jak. And that might not be a shock to know that this franchise is also one amongst those owned by sony interactive entertainment.
More About the Movie
The treasure they would be seeking in the movie is about 500 years old. But the duo has to work together to get the final amount assigned to them for this task and within that process are those tiny clues that will help Drake find his brother, who was lost a long time ago.
The movie would be returning to the screens after a long attempt and several delays, so we definitely know about the excitement that will be piled up.
About Tom’s Dream
But what’s captivating here is Tom’s dream for the video game adaptation into a movie, and here he is, playing the protagonist of one of the most renowned games. And his pitch for being for the Jak and Daxter franchise is one great move. And we would definitely love to see him there.