Reign is an American drama series based on historical events. Directed by Stephanie Sengupta and Laurie McCarthy, Reign is a successful TV series running for 4 seasons on Netflix. The series was first aired on October 17, 2013, and ended on June 16, 2017. The show was first released on the CW, and later on, the entire show was premiered on the Netflix.
Reign’s plotline loosely revolves around Mary Stuart’s life, and the series focused more on dramatization rather than historical accuracy. The series has a good fanbase, yet it has received quite a lot of criticism due to the inaccurate description of historical facts. The series has a total of 78 episodes in 4 seasons in the course of 4 years and all the seasons are available on Netflix.
However, if reports are to be believed, Reign is soon going to depart Netflix, which has arisen the question of when this will happen.
What is Reign About?
The plotline of Reign revolves around Mary Stuart, and the first season shows her marriage with Prince Francis, followed by the second season that showed the rise of King Francis and Queen Mary of France and Scotland to power. Season 3 depicts Mary’s life after the death of Francis and how she loses her kingdom, and the starting of her rivalry with Queen Elizabeth1 of England.
The fourth and the final season shows Mary’s return to Scotland to retain her kingdom and her marriage with Lord Darnley and concluded with the tensions rising between Mary and Elizabeth and Queen Catherine protecting her son Charles IX from her ambitious daughter, Queen Liza of Spain and Henry, her younger son.
When is it Departing from Netflix?
Reign was produced by CBS Television Studios and Warner Bros Television Studios and first aired on The CW between 2013 and 2017. However, with the advent of Netflix and growth in the OTT viewership, Reign was soon premiered on Netflix. Even after the series concluded, Reign has remained one of the viewer’s favorites. However, it has been 5 years since Reign has been added to Netflix UK, and it will soon expire from Netflix.
Netflix in many countries has already seen the exit of the show, while there is a hope that it will remain in Netflix USA as its expiration date is on September 5, 2022. Reign, however, continues to air on Netflix Switzerland and Netflix Germany with no date of expiry, and this is definitely a good news for the fans there. There has been no official confirmation of whether there is any confirmation for extending the expiry date of Reign on Netflix USA.
Where will Reign Stream After Leaving Netflix?
Once Reign leaves Netflix, the question of where it might stream next is a matter of concern for the fans who have shown much appreciation for the series. Reign can be streamed on HBO Max if rumors are to be believed once it departs from Netflix. There have been no official announcements from The CW and Netflix as to where Reign can be seen next. Fans are waiting eagerly for any confirmation about the re-release of the series on a different OTT platform.