The Suicide Squad is an American superhero movie released in 2021, based on DC comics, featuring a task force consisting of a group of convicts known as Task Force X or the Suicide Squad. The film has been written as well as directed by James Gunn. The film has an illustrious cast which consists of stars such as John Cena as “Peacemaker,” Margot Robbie as “Harley Quinn,” Sylvester Stallone as “King Shark,” and Idris Elba as “Bloodsport.” The team of supervillains is dispatched on a remote island known as the Corto Maltese on a search-and-destroy objective along with Colonel Rick Flag, who can make these anti-heroes behave like a team.
Where to Watch the Movie?
James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad was released in cinemas globally on August 6th, 2021. The UK fans of the DC comics were in for a treat as they got the film one week before the USA fans. As per MPA, the Movie has been rated R because intense violence and bloodshed, vulgar language, drug consumption, and sexual references were used. Although, many fans prefer watching their favorite anti-heroes on an OTT platform because of the pandemic. The Suicide Squad can be watched online on OTT platforms such as HBO Max.
Indian fans have to wait a little longer as this entertainment platform is not available in India yet. However, the fans of the 39 countries, which includes North and South American islands, can enjoy the Movie on this platform. The Movie is currently displayed on the Indian silver screen. If it is doing well at the box office, it will be present there for the next forty-five to sixty days; if not, it will be displayed for at least a month, depending on how the Movie performs. The Movie will be released on popular entertainment platforms in India such as Netflix, Prime Video, Disney+ Hotstar.
Will the Movie get a Sequel?
James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad is not exactly the sequel to the heavily criticized Suicide Squad, initially released in 2016. It was bombarded with negative reviews by critics and the young and old audiences alike. The sequel has been appreciated by the critics as well as the audience. As the director of the movie, he decided to switch the cast and exclude The Joker, who was never a part of the Task Force X in the comics either. Superhero movies tend to get a sequel because everyone enjoys watching their favorite superheroes or villains on the big screen.
Since the masses have appreciated the Movie, then in the mere future, there is most likely to be a sequel announced either by the Warner Bros or the DC comics.