The Real Housewives of Dallas (RHOD) is an American television series and is the ninth installment in The Real Housewives reality show. The show gives us an insight into the personal and professional lives of the women living in Dallas.
The number of episodes in each season are listed below:
- Season 1 – 11 episodes
- Season 2 – 14 episodes
- Season 3 – 18 episodes
- Season 4 – 17 episodes
- Season 5- 18 episodes
The show aired regularly on Bravo in the U.S., each episode has an average run time of 42 minutes. It came on Bravo in the evenings every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday between the slot of 9:00 to 10:00 PM. On IMDb, RHOD is rated 4.8/10, with the total episode count to date being 81.
Current Scenario
Succeeding The Real Housewives of Dallas is in the shadows. The show will not be returning for its sixth season. RHOD being in development was announced in 2015, and it featured Hollman and Redmond, Cary Deuber, Tiffany Hendra, and LeeAnn Locken. The whole franchise included shows like The Real Housewives of Orange County, The Real Housewives of New York City, and The Real Housewives of Atlanta. The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City was the latest addition to the family, and it came in 2020.
After The Real Housewives of D.C. got canceled, RHOD is the third part of the franchise which has come to an end. However, an announcement in February stated a reboot of RHOM was under progress at NBCU’s Peacock. It was recently also confirmed by PEOPLE that Peacock is developing two seasons of the Housewives mashup series.
Bravo’s Take on Cancellation
Bravo’s official announcement has been made on August 17, 2021, that The Real Housewives of Dallas will not be returning to T.V. the following year. However, there are still hopes as RHOD hasn’t been official. In the past, the series went off the air for quite some years before being revived last year by Peacock.
The Cast of Season 5
Season 5 of the show aired in May 2021 and had a great cast ensemble which included:
- Brandi Redmond
- Stephanie Hollman
- Kary Brittingham
- D’Andra Simmons
- Kameron Westcott
- Tiffany Moon
In February 2021, Brandi gave us a hint regarding her exit after a controversial video surfaced on the Internet. She came forward on Instagram and thanked her fans for their support, and her caption quoted the phrase that said things are coming to an end. After the reunion episodes aired in May, Tiffany updated her Instagram and Twitter bio, hinting at the end of RHOD. However, a Moon told E reporter hinted that the rumors of the Bravolebrity leaving the show aren’t entirely true.
Bravo has currently three Real Housewives series running successfully-
- New York City
- Beverly Hills
- Potomac
The show- The Real Housewives of Washington, D.C., ran for just one season is the single show to get canceled. Andy Cohen, the executive producer, is yet to speak about the same.
There’s also hope for a renewal of Dallas: RHOM which went off the air in 2013. For more updates, stay tuned in to our website.