The 90s were some of the best times we had with movies. Many gave birth to great quotes. From Forrest Gump to The Titanic, we’ve seen some great films. Some quotes just hit differently. Others were funnier, some romantic.
While some…. well, they were just plain touching. 90s scary movies like ‘The Devil’s Advocate,’ ‘Scream’ and ‘Sleepy Hollow’ has everyone’s heard of them. Their quotes send shivers down our spines, much like the movies themselves.
If you think about it, these quotes come in handy when you can’t come up with innovative post captions or even as a funny quip to a friend. They also still make people nostalgic. Scary movies, Holiday movies, and rom-com like ‘You’ve got mail,’ ‘Sleepless in Seattle,’ ‘Jerry Maguire,’ ‘Ghost,’ and ‘Notting Hill’ are still all-time favorites.
Don’t the simplicity of movies and characters from the 90s just bring back good vibes all around? Do you miss the old days? Here’s a trip down memory lane through some of the most memorable quotes to really itch that nostalgic side of you.
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ToggleBest 90s Movie Quotes
The 90s was not just about weird, wacky fashion sense. It also gave us some fun, goofy, scary movies and even thoughtful iconic movies. Even with little money compared to current budgets, they still had some bangers.
Some had in their grasp the world entire. We had some of the best actors and some good musical notes throughout all the movies. The time that passed gave us some amazing movies. Whether she was just a girl looking for a guy or in the fight club, there was always something they said that we remember.
That quote precisely is an example, “I’m also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love me.” We all remember that quote from Notting Hill like it was said yesterday.
20. “Keep the change ya filthy animal” – Home Alone

Let’s start off with a classic here. This line’s from Home Alone (1990). Everyone’s watched this movie. Kevin’s sitting watching TV on the couch. The guy from the movie picks up a gun and shoots the man across him from the table.
He then laughs and says, “Keep the change, ya filthy animal. HAHAHAHA!” Kevin was clearly mortified from the shooting. He stops gobbling down his ice cream and yells for Mum.
19. “My momma always said life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” – Forrest Gump, 1994

Another classic movie. Forrest Gump 1994 was one of Tom Hanks‘ best films. Forrest Gump is an awkward boy whom everyone looks at with a slight sense of confusion. But he does well to live his best life while always reminding himself and anyone he could that life really was like a box of chocolates; you can never actually know what you’re gonna get.
Forrest Gump not only gave us this one line, but his famous “I’m Forrest, Forrest Gump” also brings back nostalgic memories. Not just the quotes but also the vigorous waving hello has become synonymous with the movie. Forrest Gump was a touching story and still sits in our memories as a truly great film.
18.”Hasta la vista baby” – Terminator 2 Judgement Day

The Terminator series was as iconic as ever. The terminator says, “Hasta la vista baby,” right before shooting the T-1000 frozen with liquid nitrogen. The fight that preceded was intense and surely was very well filmed and choreographed. It was a little melancholy to see the series end, but they gave it a great send-off.
17.”To Infinity and Beyond” – Toy Story

Buzz Lightyear’s famous catchphrase never fails to remind people of the good times. “To Infinity and Beyond” was just as much inspiring as anything you’d hear in the current movie scene. Toy Story characters all loved it, and so did its viewers. The Toy Story franchise has been one of the best longstanding ones.
16.”A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti” – The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

Here’s a quote from a horror movie. Doesn’t it send shivers down your spine at the thought of what he said? Fava beans taste great, yes, but with a human liver? I’m not so convinced.
The thought plays with the mind making you question things. Much like the psychological horror film that it was. Great production by Orion Pictures. It has even been sighted as one of the most influential films. Now that’s got to stand for something.
15.”You can’t handle the truth!” – A Few Good Men

Can you tell the quote is from a legal drama? A great film released by Columbia Pictures. Casting the practically never aging Tom Cruise, the movie was a hit. A few good men have a great plot with some really twisted legal battles. Every part of the movie has something new to give us.
Funny 90s movie quotes
The 90s gave us some hilarious sketches and cuts that brought up laughs when we least expected it. Many movies can make you laugh even in your worst moods. 90s movies had peak comedy. They’re the best pick-me-ups for any situation.
Some of the quotes from these movies are more than enough to make you chuckle. They bring out core memories of the scenes they encapsulate. Let’s see how many of these hit those memory banks of yours.
14.”You know, you drive almost slow enough to drive miss daisy!” – Bad Boys

Will Smith and his random quips and jabs at people always get me? The Bad Boys were some of the best movies, and the new one brought back a whole load of nostalgia. He just had to comment on Martin’s (costar) driving while they were enjoying a sunny ride down the road. It was so random it let out a chuckle the first time and continues to do it every time I read, thinks, or say it.
If you don’t know what you’re gonna, do this weekend, and you haven’t watched the Bad Boys, you know exactly what you have to do now. Maybe find out who would actually drive Miss Daisy around—the poor woman who became collateral in the joke.
13.”Stupid is as stupid does.” – Forrest Gump (1994)

Forrest is back at it with funny quotes. Honestly, there could be a whole new page just to talk about this movie. But for now, Forrest here means by what he said that no one should be judged by how they look but by their actions—a humorous way to convey an important message and certainly a way to keep us remembering it.
12.“Just when I think you couldn’t possibly be any dumber, you go and do something like this… and totally redeem yourself.” – Dumb and Dumber

Does Jimm Carry ever fail to impress? This quip with him as Lloyd Christmas was hilarious. The nostalgia hits when I think about the scene. Dumb and Dumber was a hilarious movie filled with memorable, funny moments and some great movie quotes. This one caught my eye (well, ear) because it’s just so condescending but hilarious all at once.
11.“You got the wrong guy. I’m the Dude, man.” – The Big Lebowski

The Big Lebowski is a great Jeff Bridges movie that we all certainly remember. A black comedy crime film, it was something of a niche class that brought out laughs all around. Never judge a movie by its name.
To me, the title seemed more serious, but the tone it takes is a stark contrast. Not before have I been this pleasantly surprised. You’ve definitely got the wrong guy. He’s the Dude; don’t you ever question that.
10.“Bless this highly nutritious microwavable macaroni and cheese dinner and the people who sold it on sale. Amen.” – Home Alone

Imagine praying for nutritious mac and cheese. That, too the microwavable kind. Only Kevin. I guess the people who came up with microwavable mac and cheese got their blessings because it’s just as popular as ever before now.
The people who put it on sale probably got blessed twice as much by Kevin’s prayer. They’ve got him to thank, and we’ve got them to thank for a great snack. Meanwhile, Kevin’s just living his best life, shoving ice cream down his throat and mac and cheese.
Catchy 90s Movie Quotes
Ever think of 90s movies, and one quote just sticks out? Do you synonymously link the quote and the movie without a second thought? While movies like Saving Private Ryan showed us how the film plot, along with the acting, could cement a movie in place, some showed us how their dialogue could hold them up.
Oh, and yes, they gave us a lot of that. You could use these quotes anywhere, and they’ll stick. Pretty catchy. Here are some of the most catchy ones I found.
9.”Hakuna Matata” – The Lion King
What a wonderful phrase. Hakuna matata, ain’t no passing craze. It means no worries. Bring back memories yet. Pumba and Timone are the best songwriters. There’s so much in the song that I love. From the upbeat tone to the good vibes all around the song, I love every second of it.
The phrase has become a favorite for anyone that wants to relax. Hakuna Matata, and you’re now living so much better. It’s our problem-free philosophy—the best ever way to live.
The duo Pumba and Timone are the best in their ways. Always there to cheer you up and true friends that stick with you through anything and everything. The Lion King really was one of the most entertaining animated movies in a long time.
8.”The things you own end up owning you.” – Fight Club 1999

How could we go without bringing up this quote from Fight Club 1999? Fight Club is an amazing movie with Brad Pitt as the Narrator that we all enjoy so much. Based on a novel (also called Fight Club), it not only took the plot but also adapted the humor very well into the movie.
Though it was overall controversial, fight club was, in my opinion, a good film with both fun and seriousness toned to the right levels. I recommend you watch it if you skipped it from the initial reviews.
A notable mention would be, “The first rule of Fight Club does not talk about fight club. “The second rule of fight club is DO NOT TALK about Fight Club.” Another stunning quote from the movie that really nailed itself into place. It’s the only rule of the fight club that mattered.
The funny part also happens to be the first rule. Suppose the first rule and the second rule happen to be the same thing, then why even say it? But, it showed the seriousness perfectly. Never enough to just hear it once; this makes sure no one will ever talk about fight club.
7.”Well, what if there’s no tomorrow? There wasn’t one today!” – Groundhog Day

If you’re into romance comedies, Groundhog Day is a field trip for you. Starring the legendary Bill Murray, it was clear from the start that it would be a treat to the eyes. Now back to the quote. He does have a point. What if there’s no tomorrow? How would you deal with it? Maybe instead of preparing for tomorrow, live the best of today.
6.”Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in.”- The Godfather Part III

The Godfather was some of the most iconic movies. This quote immediately brings back everything in the movie. It also is really catchy, as it works in many situations. You can use it with almost any type of job-related conversation and also jokingly about finance. It works in a lot of genres.
Could the Godfather be any better? Probably not. It was top-of-the-line. We even got a drink named after it. Try it at a bar near you, and it’s called The Godfather. The movie really did stir things up in a lot of places and burst out creativity, which we didn’t know, was even possible.
Romantic 90s Movie Quotes
90s movies were all about romance. Everyone likes a good romance movie. The heartthrob and the character development. Sometimes the heartbreaking endings. People looked forward to different things, and the movies tried to cater to as many as they could fit into one life of romance.
But the 90s romance was also some of the best types of romance. It was playful and simple with a lighthearted tone. I think that’s the way romance should be. The way it is right now, there’s too much intensity. With so much beauty in the way older movies were made, I think I’m just a sucker for them.
Back then, everything just seemed nice. There’d be a couple or two people you’d want to get together and the usual suspects who’d probably try to steal the girl. But in the end, the right guy always got her. Or, in the sad ones, no one did. Maybe one whole seduction scene would be intense, but nothing more unless it’s what you’re looking for. Here are some romantic 90s movie quotes.
5.”You had me at hello.” – Jerry Maguire
An absolute classic romance movie Jerry Maguire is the perfect way to start this little sub-category. This 90s movie quote is an immediate setup for a great coupling factor, if you may. That surely is the sign that the move is on the board to be made. It has an air of romanticism around it. Wouldn’t life be perfect if the person we loved just told us that?
4.“Love is passion, obsession, someone you can’t live without. If you don’t start with that, what are you going to end up with?” – Meet Joe Black

Well, that says it all. Do I really have to explain? This 90s movie quote is literally self-explanatory. He wants to tell you how love works. Take a leaf out of his book. Find the person you love most and shoot your shot. If not, what even was the point of it all?
3.”This is my only chance at happiness. I have to be ruthless.” – My Best Friend’s Wedding

He’s right. It’s your one chance to be happy. Don’t compromise on it. Do what you have to. It’ll all end with absolute good. If you wait longer than you have to, you’ll end up regretting it entirely.
Instead of sitting and thinking about it while sipping soda and eating egg noodles, you should probably just do it before it’s too late. The quote really does have a tone of romantic seriousness that it has continued to pass on for another decade.
2. “I wanted it to be you. I wanted it to be you so badly” – You’ve Got Mail

Kathleen really wanted Joe to be her online pen pal. And he was. When they finally meet in the closing scene, they comfort each other and share a kiss. The dog barks in the background, and the music tune-up. Love is in the air, and it was a wonderful moment for the audience to witness. Her line was enough to bring tears to many eyes.
My Favorite Quote
This one’s from a movie I love. Shawshank Redemption was really one of my favorite movies. Sure, there were other great movies like Sixth Sense, Wayne’s World, and Jurassic Park. Jurassic Park even had great CGI, but to me, Shawshank Redemption just happens to be the best.
You can catch me at a drive-thru or driving outta town; I’d still tell you the same thing. Not much to do outta town but sit, relax, and watch movies. And Shawshank Redemption is a choice of numero uno. Here’s the quote that I’ve kept from you.
1.”Get busy livin’ or get busy dyin’!” – Shawshank Redemption

You have one life. Instead of sitting around wasting it over nothing or moping around about things that have already happened, get back up and show life that you wanna win. You really wanna dance with fire and live to tell the tale. If you wanna win, you’re going to have to put everything on the line.
Get busy living that life that you want to. If you want to give up, then get busy dying and join the dead people. They can’t do much anyway.
Not doing anything with your life is pretty much-being part of dead people. The will to live is the same as you saying I wanna dance even when it’s your worst day and you think you’re doing terribly. Rather do really bad but try than be a coffin boy like the dead people sitting still doing nothing.
Final Thoughts
Those were some of my favorite 90s movies and their quotes. There were some movies, like Top Gun, with Paramount Pictures, that were not mentioned, but they didn’t have as memorable a quote. Another notable mention of a great movie is Sixth Sense. The Sixth Sense was a close second.
The 90s also gave us the best of Jim Carrey. Ace Ventura’s pet detective was a really good movie of his. It was a great comedy film. If you need something to get you in the mood to dance, well, look up Ace Ventura’s pet detective. Another good movie if you want a watch is Austin Powers: International Man. Austin Powers is just plain good; you’ll have to watch it to appreciate it.
In Titanic, “I’m the king of the world” was also an honorable mention in quotes. The young man wanted to believe he was the king of the world. What the world meant to him was not yet of any importance. All that mattered was that he was the king of the world, King Jack Dawson. In Pulp Fiction, the two words dance well and are really memorable too.
I hope this list brought back just as much nostalgia in you as it did me. These quotes are iconic and have stood the test of time. They’re all iconic in their own ways. I loved each of them.