The anime adaptation of the manga series Jujutsu Kaisen was first released in October 2020 on MBS and TBS and Crunchyroll for viewers outside Asia. However, with the finale episode of the first season rolling out on March 6, 2021, fans are already keenly anticipating the renewal of the Shonen-anime for another season. Here’s everything you should know about the renewal status of Jujutsu Kaisen and everything that might happen.
Is Jujutsu Kaisen Renewed for Season 2?
The first season of Jujutsu Kaise has an 8.7 IMDb rating. With Sunghoo Park as the director, the series is produced by the animation studio MAPPA. This popular manga has been well-received in its adapted anime version, and fans eagerly await any official announcement about its renewal status. However, as of now, there is no news about the second season coming into production. But, it is likely for the series to return in the future due to its huge popularity, and MAPPA may soon announce its announcement. Jujutsu Kaisen has been ranked as the 30th best anime of all time, and it is a feat for it.
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Expected Release Date
This is not it for the Jujutsu Kaisen fans. A few hours before the finale of season one, the creators of Jujutsu Kaisen officially confirmed on March 27, 2021, that they would produce the movie titled “Jujutsu Kaisen 0”. According to the showrunners and MAPPA, the plotline will function as the prequel to the story of the series. The plotline is described as “Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical School.” The narrative will revolve around two characters, Rika Orimoto and Yuta Okkotsu. There is a trailer for the movie which reveals the tentative release date set for winter 2022.
Hajime Yokota, MBS’ Chief Programming Director, talks about the future of the series and revealed that they do not have any concrete information about the future of the series at present. However, since the Jujutsu Kaisen manga is once again returning to publication, and there are 16 volumes at present, one can assume that there will be a second season to the Shonen-anime. Moreover, there was not much time gap between the announcement and release date of season one, so the fans may have to wait longer for the announcement release.
What About the Cast of Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2?
Junya Enoki plays the role of the protagonist, Yuji, in season one. Junichi Suwabe voices Sukuna, Yuma Uchida voices Megumi, AsamiSeto voices Nobara, and Yuichi Nakamura voices Satoru. There is no announcement about the cast of season two; however, the main cast will most likely reprise their role as the voice cast. But, since the series is getting a prequel to expand its horizon, and season two will adapt other volumes from the manga series, there will make more new additions to the cast.
What Can be Expected From the Plot of Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2?
GegeAkutami’s manga series of the same name has gained much popularity in its anime version. In fact, at the Anime awards, it was voted as the “Anime of the Year.” As fans are materializing about the future of the series, a walk to the past may open up avenues for exploring what may happen next. The plot paced fast in the first season, which had a total of 24 episodes. And, it is probable that like season one, the next season may be a two-cour, with each cour having 10 to 13 cour each, in each of the three-month blocks.
Jujutsu Kaisen may become a long-running series, owing to the remaining volumes that are available for adaptation. The stellar finale of season one was full of action sequences, and fans want more. The story is centered on the plot of Yuta Okkotsu, and the spirit of Rikka, his childhood friend, haunts him after she dies in a tragic car accident. Yuta also joins the Jujutsu Sorcerers, a secret organization seeking to bring down Ryomen, a powerful Curse. He needs to fight battles against various Curses to search for Sukuna’s pieces. Amidst the larger battle, the characters also need to fight against personal battles and the emotional trauma of killing the Curses, which gives much depth to the series.
The finale concludes the fight between ItadoriYuuji, NobaraKugisaki, and two Cursed brothers. But Itadori needs to deal with the impact of killing Eso. This also provides a story arc for another season as they may have made new energy by killing the two of the three Cursed brother triplets. Moreover, Sukuna may emerge as a more powerful archvillain, and defeating him will not be easy.
The fans may have to wait longer for any announcement about season two. But, till then, they can revisit the plot of season one and get their heads wrapped around the manga to know about the future of Yuta and company.