Hightown is an American crime drama that was first aired in May 2020. Directed by Rebecca Cutter, Hightown is all set for the release of its second season. Hightown revolves around the organized crime in Cape Cod after investigations begin circling around the discovery of a woman’s dead body, which was found by Jackie, a National Marine Fisheries Services agent.
The first season gathered a huge fan base and was critically acclaimed. The makers are ready with a brand new season 2 of Homecoming, which will supposedly be releasing on October 17, 2021. It will be interesting to see that after a much successful 1st season, the makers will do justice to the upcoming Season 2, for which fans are waiting with great anticipation.
When is it Releasing?
As per the official announcement, Hightown season 2 is supposedly all set for release on October 17, 2021. The series will be aired on Starz in the United States and Canada, while it can be seen on StarzPlay in Europe, Japan, and Latin America. No release on OTT platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video has been confirmed yet in the United States or the United Kingdom. The official announcements for the release of Hightown Season 2 stands on October 17 this year, and hardly any change in release date is expected.
Expected Cast and Plot
In Hightown Season 2, the audience will witness a changed Jackie who undergoes major personal transformation and realizes the gravity of her job only after a tumultuous investigation she conducts in season1. She aims to take down Frankie, responsible for Junior’s death, as Jackie feels. Jackie finds a partner in Leslie, who is another police officer. However, we see her past troubles give her a hard time emotionally. Ray, too wants to take down Frankie, who will be supposedly backed by his cousin, which in turn makes him more destructive.
Osito and Renee have their own motives against the drug lord, and it will be interesting to see what turn of events the makers have inculcated in Hightown Season 2. The cast of Hightown Season 2 remains more or less the same with Monica Raymund, who plays the character of Agent Jackie, James Badge Dale, who plays Detective Ray, and Amaury Nolasco, who plays Frankie.
Other cast members include Dohn Norwood, Atkins Estimond, and Riley Voelkel. It will be interesting to know what such an amazing cast of a critically acclaimed series has in store for its audience in the second season.
Is it Worth Waiting?
Hightown Season 1 received lots of appreciation from the critics and the fans due to its off-beat and an action-packed storyline revolving around the world of crime. The makers are back with a season 2, which is all set to release on October 17, 2021, on Starz. The series has kept the audience hooked with its thrilling storyline full of mysteries, actions, drama, and thriller aspects and is definitely a must-watch and worth the wait.