The Kingdom or El Reino is a political thriller series that was aired on Netflix on August 13, 2021. The plotline revolves around a televangelist who becomes the president of Argentina when a mystery man kills his running mate. The drama was received with great warmth by the audience due to its intriguing storyline and being a political drama, and it surely caught a lot of attention.
However, in the turn of events, what is revealed about the new President who seems highly fit for being the President isn’t what he portrays himself to be. Even though the series has a slow pace, the politics and thrill with it have surely kept the audience hooked. The fans are eagerly talking about the release of probable season 2. It will be interesting to see what the makers have to say about this
The Expected Release Date
Will there be a new season for The Kingdom is a question that the audience eagerly wants an answer for? The Netflix original series that was released on August 13, 2021, has 8 episodes in total, with each episode running for 30 minutes to 1 hour. It is yet to see what the makers decide with regard to the making of season 2. According to Netflix’s trend, any official announcement won’t be there until one or two months before the premiere.
The Expected Cast and Plot
The plotline revolves around a televangelist who becomes the president of Argentina when a mystery man kills his running mate. However, in the turn of events, what is revealed about the new President who seems highly fit for being the President isn’t what he portrays himself to be. Since no official announcement has been made yet, it will be interesting to see what twists and turns the makers might put in Season 2, given the political thriller genre of the show in season 1.
The main cast of Season 1 included Diego Peretti, Chino Darin, Joaquin Furriel, Peter Lanzani Mercedes Moran, Nicolas Garcia, Vera Spinetta, Victoria Almeida, Alfonso Tort, Patricio Aramburu, Santiago Korovsky, Sofia Gala etc. It might be possible that more or less the same caste appears in season 2 as well, with a few new inductions in the cast of The Kindom Season. Though no official announcements have been made yet about the probable release of Season 2, several speculations about the same are already doing rounds.
Where to Watch?
The Kingdom is a Netflix Original series that was released on August 13, 2021 on Netflix. As of now, there has been no confirmation reading the release of season 2 of The Kingdom by the makers or Netflix. Given the popularity the show has gathered, Netflix might want to make a season 2, which fans of the show are eagerly waiting for.
Netflix is the only platform where the series can be seen since it is a Netflix Original. There is no confirmation regarding the release of The Kingdom season 2 on any other OTT platform once released.