Grey’s Anatomy is an American medical drama that premiered on March 27, 2005, on the ABC channel. The series has run for a total of 17 seasons and is all set to release for its 18th season on September 30, 2021. The plotline revolves around the medicos at Dr. Meredith Grey’s hospital, who is the general surgeon and the main character of the show.
Grey’s Anatomy shows the lives of the medicos who try to balance work and their personal lives while in the process of becoming doctors. The show has been running for the last 17 years and has gained a huge fanbase worldwide. The fans are eagerly waiting for the release of season 18, whose plot revolves around the general and daily lives of the medicos in the hospital of Dr. Grey and how they face the several complexities of work and their own lives while practicing medicine.
The series got a lot of critical acclamation for the correctness of the medical knowledge the creators have put into it. Directed by Krista Vernoff, Grey’s Anatomy Season 18 is all set to release its first episode on September 30, 2021.
Who is Returning to the Show?
A few changes have been made in the cast of Grey’s Anatomy Season 18, with the main cast remaining more or less the same. Ellen Pompei plays the role of Dr. Meredith Grey, Chandra Wilson plays the role of Dr. Miranda Bailey, James Pickens plays the role of Dr. Richard Webber, Kevin McKidd plays the role of Dr. Owen, Caterina Scorsone plays the role of Amelia Shepherd.
Kim Raver plays the role of Teddy Altman, Camellia Luddington plays the role of Dr. Jo Wilson, Chris Carmack plays the role of Dr. Atticus Lincoln, Jake Borelli plays the role of Dr. Levi Schmitt, and Anthony Hill plays the role of Winston Ngudu. This season will also feature Kate Walsh, who will be playing the character of Addison Montgomery.
Peter Gallagher will be playing the role of Dr. Alan Hamilton and Kate Burton’s special appearance. She will be playing the character of Dr. Ellis Grey, Dr. Meredith’s mother. Actors such as Giacomo Gianniotti, Jesse Williams, and Greg Germann will not be returning for the 18th season.
What to Expect?
The eighteenth season of Grey’s Anatomy will have the central theme of a medical drama that revolves around the lives of medicos who try to juggle between their personal and work life while going through the various complexities that life and work have in store for them. There are chances that season 18 might depict a post-pandemic world and might be set in the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, as hinted by Luddington in an interview.
However, there has been confirmed regarding the same, and the fans are surely eager to know what the new season has in store for them.
Where to Watch?
Grey’s Anatomy season 18 is releasing on September 30, 2021, and can be streamed on ABC Channel along with OTT platforms such as Amazon Prime Video and Netflix in the United States. Even though the series is only a few days away from release, the makers haven’t released the trailer. Given the huge popularity the show has, the audience has been waiting quite eagerly for the release of the 18th season.