The Japanese animated series Pokémon Evolutions was released recently by Pokémon Company International to commemorate its completion of 25 years in the entertainment industry. Also known as Pocket Monster, the limited edition animation series got aired on September 9th. Its first episode on Pokémon TV and the official YouTube Channel of Pokémon entertainment would be exclusively a web series.
The eager fans will be able to enjoy all the episodes from the network as mentioned above platforms starting September 9, 2021. The series comprises of a total eight episodes and has been made under the production of The Pokémon Company International in association with OLM Studios. The official announcement for the release of series was made on September 2, 2021.
What will be Pokémon Evolutions About?
The Japanese series will enable the viewers to witness different core regions in the world of Pokémon that have been traversed throughout the video games in the last almost two decades since its launch. The 8 episode long adventure will take the fans on a journey through eight core regions in a reverse manner that are already known in the video games and would highlight the name of Pokémon found in that very region.
The backward journey would imply that the regions discovered recently in the video game franchise will appear first, followed by the region identified during the initial days of the games. The first episode will take fans on the journey to the Galar region that has been a recent exploration in video games like Pokémon Shield and Pokémon Sword and will ultimately terminate in the previously uncovered Kanto region by the players back in 1996 in games like Pokémon Green and Pokémon Red from the franchise.
Along the journey, each episode will also tell about the stories of the Pokémon world with a changed outlook. The journey in the reverse direction would follow Galar region then Alola region followed by Kalos region then Unova region after that Sinnoh region followed by Hoenn region then Johto and subsequently concluding the journey in Kanto region.
Pokémon Evolutions Episode 2
The second episode of the Pokémon Evolutions has been titled “The Eclipse” and will take fans to explore the Alola region. The region comprises of many small islands and will show us which pokémon comes from the area. The story will also showcase the stories about the champions that are the part of Pokémon universe. The first episode named “The Champion” focused on the Galar region of the Pokémon universe.
When will Episode 2 Air?
“The Eclipse” is slated to broadcast on September 23rd, 2021 Thursday on Pokémon TV and the company’s YouTube channel. To know about the complete release schedule for all the Pokémon Evolutions episodes have look down below. The episodes will be released on Thursdays, and no episode will go on air in the month of November.
EPISODE 1 will be about the Galar region titled “The Champion” and will be telecast on September 9, 2021
EPISODE 2 will be about the Alola region titled “The Eclipse” and will be telecast on September 23, 2021
EPISODE 3 will be about the Kalos region titled “The Visionary” and will be telecast on October 7, 2021
EPISODE 4 will be about Unova region titled “The Plan” and will be telecast on October 21, 2021
EPISODE 5 will be about the Sinnoh region titled “The Rival” and will be telecast on December 2, 2021
EPISODE 6 will be about the Hoenn region titled “The Wish” and will be telecast on December 9, 2021
EPISODE 7 will be about Johto region titled “The Show” and will be telecast on December 16, 2021
EPISODE 8 will be about the Kanto region titled “The Discovery” and will be telecast on December 23, 2021