HBO’s acclaimed drama series In Treatment is based on real-life stories of people undergoing mental health issues. Rodrigo Garcia was in charge of the show’s creation and development. The show stars Gabriel Byrne, who appears for the role of Paul. The show was debuted on January 28th, 2008, for the first time and came up for a total of five nights for a week with a total of 35 episodes.
HBO Canada was the platform where the show was aired, and also simultaneously, the show was aired on the HBO Max platform for US audiences as well. After being aired via HBO, the show also made its way to other OTT platforms like Amazon Unbox and iTunes.
What In Treatment Show Renewed for Future Installments?
Looking at the popularity of the series and the positive acclaim received by the franchise, the show also got its green flag for its future installments as well! Followed this, the second new season for In Treatment series got its second season renewal on June 20th, 2008, confirming that stars, including Byrne, Wiest, and Glynn Turman, returned. Michelle Forbes will be returning.
After that, the production for the second new season started in 2008 in New York City and wrapped up in early 2009, and the show finally made its way to screens on April 5th, 2009. As in the first season, even the second season for the franchise was a massive hit, making the series nominated for the 2009 Peabody Award. After that, again, the renewal for the third new season for the franchise was given. And after production and post-production work, the show, with its third new season, finally made its way to screens on October 26th,2010.
Following making more success, HBO also confirmed that there would be a new fourth season returning for the series as well, where Uzo Aduba will appear for the lead role. Then, In Treatment Season 4, with a total of 24-episodes, was premiered officially on the 23rd of May this year, followed by four episodes being aired weekly.
What’s the Plot for In Treatment Series?
In Treatment series set in Baltimore focuses on a psychotherapist named Paul Weston, who has been following private consultations where he provides therapy sessions to his patients in his home. He starts by asking questions about his abilities and motives. He also seeks helps from his former mentor and therapist named Gina Toll, whom he didn’t meet in ten years!
Will, There be Any Future Installment for In Treatment Series, and What all Emmy Awards did the Show Won?
As of now, HBO hasn’t confirmed any future installments for In Treatment series. We would suggest you wait for creators to make a new confirmation for the future installments of the show. The show was so popular that it got nominated and even won Emmy awards as well; a few of the popular awards the series received includes:
- Outstanding Lead Actress For A Drama Series – 2021
- Outstanding Lead Actor For A Drama Series – 2009
- Outstanding Supporting Actress For A Drama Series – 2009
- Outstanding Supporting Actress For A Drama Series – 2009
- Outstanding Cinematography For A Half-Hour Series – 2008
- Outstanding Guest Actor For A Drama Series – 2008
- Outstanding Lead Actor For A Drama Series – 2008
- Outstanding Supporting Actress For A Drama Series – 2008