The seventh episode of the American comedy-mystery TV series, Only Murders in the Building, is scheduled to drop on September 28. Following the lives of three strangers obsessed with podcasts featuring true crime, across its six released episodes, the series has received a 100% Rotten Tomatoes score and 8.3/10 IMDb Ratings.
The Hulu series is being well-received by the viewers, and the true-crime sitcom is becoming a favorite among viewers that prefer this genre. Here are few important details you need to know before the release of the next episode.
When and Where to Watch Only Murders in the Building Episode 7?
The seventh episode of Only Murders in the Building will be available for streaming on September 28. Titled “The Boy from 6B”, the episode will feature a screenplay by Stephen Markley and Ben Philippe. It will release on September 28 at 12 am ET. Since it is a Hulu original, it will be available for streaming on the Hulu platform. You require a subscription to the streaming channel to watch the episodes of Only Murders in the Building as they release.
Recap of Episode 6
In the sixth episode, “To Protect and Serve,” Detective Williams brings Tim Cono’s case to a close, calling it a suicide. The podcasters, meanwhile, find jewelry in the apartment of Tim. Tim may have procured the jewelry from someone named Angel. But they are not able to proceed much with the investigation because of the arrival of the mother of Mabel at the tattoo parlor.
Mabel, Oliver, and Charles come together for dinner with Mabel’s mother, and she enquires why Mabel is still relentlessly pursuing Tim, even after what he inflicted on Oscar. It is then Charles opens up to her and tells her that they are covering a true-crime podcast, which deals with the murder of Tim Kono. Mabel’s mother fears that her daughter is still stuck in the past. She does want Mabel to get involved in the podcast. Mabel tends to agree with her mom, deciding to quit the team.
Realizing how personal the entire podcast is for Mabel, Charles also considers dropping it. But, Teddy is ready to invest and fund the podcast because of its rising popularity. Meanwhile, Detective Williams finds out that the case has various missing threads. Oscar and Mabel probe into evidence that depicts the ring on Zoe’s body.
However, it is very clear to their memory that she did not have the ring during her death. Mabel and Oscar also spark a romantic interest as they get together, finally kissing towards the end of the episode. Mabel convinces her mother that she needs to continue with the investigation, and her mom allows her to do so.
Speculations for Episode 7
Gathering from the last few episodes, it is likely that Detective Williams will be reopening the case. But this could also jeopardize her life. The Angel’s identity may also be revealed in the forthcoming episode. While Mabel and Oscar kiss in the previous episode, Oscar still avoids the investigation. The reason is yet not obvious. While carrying out the investigation, the podcasters may reach a dead-end, and fans are excited to know how they will proceed. All of these will become clear with the release of Episode 7.
Only Murder in the Building episode 7 will make its release on Hulu this coming September 28.