90 Day Fiance is an American reality show on TLC Channel produced under Sharp Entertainment Production Company. The series deal with couples who have applied for or have K-1 visa with them which has been made available to foreign fiances of U.S citizens.
The series gives a chance to the non-American women to choose whether they are going to marry within a span of 3 months or 90 days or get evicted from the show as well as leave America and go back to their respective homes. The series first aired on January 12, 2014, and has gained a lot of popularity as well as fans.
Couples of Season 3 and Their Stories
There are a lot of couples in season 3, but which of them is your favorite? Here is the list of couples you will see in season 3:
Kenny and Armando
Season 2 has already shown that Kenny has gone to Florida with Armando to know each other well for some time. Of course, there are several barriers between the two in respect of culture, as well as they are waiting for their parents’ green signal. But they did make everything all good in the end, but will Armando’s family give their blessing to the couple? Who knows? Fans are happy as long as the couple is happy, and it seems they have already started planning for kids.
Ellie and Victor
The couple is seen to be going well irrespective of all odds and disapproval, so let’s hope fans can see them settle soon.
Corey and Evelin
The couple’s relation started on a beach in Ecuador, and now they are full-fledged planning their wedding. Both of them had past relations, but it seems destiny has worked hard and solve all their issues just to bring them together.
Jenny and Sumit
This is one of the famous couples of the show because a lot of trouble seemed to have erupted from Sumit’s side when his family turned down the proposal of making Jenny their daughter-in-law. But twist came when Sumit’s mom became ready to welcome Jenny and sought to teach her all the traditions and cultures theirs so that Jenny could cope up with them. But can Jenny go through such training? There is indeed a lot more to see yet.
Steven and Elena
The couple met through an app and fell for each other soon. But Steven seems somewhat not revealing all his truths yet. Will their awaited wedding be taking place, or will fans see the couple breaking up?
Ariela and Biniyam
Season 2 witnessed the couple welcoming their son Aviel, but Avi needs hernia surgery soon, which has indeed caused tension between the two. Hope they resolve the issues and come back together to work out their relation soon.
Episode 6 of Season 3
90 Day Fiance: The Other Way will be aired on October 3, 2021, at 8 pm E.T on TLC Channel and will run for 100 to 120minutes. You can watch your favorite series on the TLC Channel or on TLC’s Official Website. The episode is indeed going to reveal what will be the future of these couples, so don’t forget to watch it. For more such news and updates, stay tuned with us.