Inspired from Haro Aso’s manga in the same name as the series, Alice in Borderland has been the directorial venture of Shinsuke Sato. Japan’s scientific thriller suspense drama initially made its debut on Netflix with its season 1 in December of 2020 and received a good response from viewers. Yasuko Kuramitsu, Yoshiki Watabe, and Sato have penned the episodes of the show.
Just after the two weeks of its release with the first season, Alice in Borderland was renewed for the next season to the sheer delight of avid fans. The previous season covered the story of allies Yuzuha Usagi (Tao Tsuchiya) and Ryohei Arisu (Kento Yamazaki) trapped in the absurd place where they should play if they want to live lethal games whose difficulty level gets decided by playing cards. Along with them are other players doing their best to save themselves.
Who can All be Seen in Season 2 of Alice in Borderland?
Making a comeback from the former season will be protagonists, Tao Tsuchiya as Yuzuha UsagiandKento Yamazaki as Ryohei Arisu. They can be joined by Nijiro Murakami in the role of Shuntaro Chishiya, Riisa Naka in the role of Nira Kano and Aya Asahina in the role of Hikari Kuina. These are just the predictions from our side, and the official list has to be waited for to be sure.
What will Season 2 of Alice in Borderland have in Store?
Going with its first season’s success, the show, with its upcoming season, is also expected to be packed with more action, thrill, suspense, and adventure to keep its viewers fully entertained. The participants, including the leads from the earlier edition, will be seen fighting for their lives by sustaining in the game. More danger will be projected to them, and it would be interesting to watch how they will cope up with the adversities.
When will the Trailer of the Show be Out?
Netflix announced the show’s renewal with its second season by sharing the teaser for the show. The teaser was shared through various social media accounts of the platform, and the fans couldn’t keep calm since then. The audience is waiting on its toes for the new season to launch soon.
Going by the release trend, it followed with season 1, and it can be presumed that the subsequent season might land on our screens somewhere during the same time as did the first one, i.e., December. This means the trailer for the sci-fi drama might be out in October or so in order to keep the fans excited and enable them to get a glimpse of the new installment.
But till now, these are mere presumptions for the release because Netflix is still to announce any further updates about the show. Owing to the Coronavirus pandemic and its outbreak, there might be limitations and halts in the filming process of the show. This might also alter the release of the show and also the launch of its trailer. The season can also get pushed to next year if restrictions pose difficulty in the shooting. This would mean that we might have to wait a little longer than expected.
However, these all are predictions, and the actual information can only be confirmed from Netflix. We will have to wait to find out.