The Masked Singer is an American Singing reality show that is a kind of English remake of a Korean show named King of Mask Singer. The show supplies a good amount of entertainment to its fans as there is always suspense that is maintained throughout the show.
The suspense is the masked indentities of the contestants of the show, and the bar of excitement is raised at each level when the judging panel has to guess who could be behind the masks. If we throw light on the Season 6 of this show, we can say that its fans widely like it. There are 12 contestants in total who are individually eliminated at the end of each week, depending upon the performance they give.
The Masked Singer Season 6 Episode 4 Rewind!
The last episode of The Masked Singer Season 6 consisted of much drama as there were many performances given by contestants who were decieving their identities as per their preference.
First, we had the Bull giving his performance; his identity could have been easy to reveal if judges had guessed a little harder after watching his clip where he said that he was a wildflower when he was kind but changed as he grew older. He performed Circus by Britney Spears that consisted of many high notes. Judges guessed that he could be some rapper.
Next up online was The Hamster, who sang Crazy Little Thing called Love by Queen, and it must be said that it was worth the appraisal. He seems to reflect the identity of some comedians as well, so the judges thought that he could be Rob Schneider, Will Ferrell, or even John Leguizamo.
After Hamster came to The Skunk, who revealed that she is much restricted when it comes to entry of any new person in her life; besides this, there was one more clue that she gave about boombox; it might mean something already. She performed Midnight Train to Georgia by Gladys Knight and the Pips, and it was a show smasher as she seemed like some professional artist. So with that, the guessing game began where Nicole thought she could be Tamar Braxton and Ken believed her to be Taraji P. Henson.
Was The Baby’s Identity Revealed?
Then the next one was The Baby, who wanted to take up this identity as he loved his kids and wanted to show them his this side. He performed the theme song to Flintstones, which made the guess rise revealing that he could be Bruce Willis because of his voice. At the end of this episode, the baby gets eliminated, and to everyone’s shock, it is the comedian The Cable Guy. He said later that it was quite difficult to find his true identity due to the fluctuations he made in his accents.
What Do We Know About The Masked Singer Season 6 Episode 5?
Moving on the season 6, episode 5, we will have a wild card entry performance that is named Pepper. The audience and the judges get the hint that she is some child actress who is all grown up now. Many of the fans presumed her to be Hailee Steinfeld, but that is still a mystery that might be revealed once this episode is out. Talking about the official synopsis, we will see group B returning for their second performance of this season.
Release Date for The Masked Singer Season 6 Episode 5!
Although the fifth episode is just around the corner, as it will be out on October 13, 2021, the excitement cannot be held back as we all want to know who is the person behind Pepper who gave such a mesmerizing performance.
Although there are various masked identities who are there and we are surely eager to know about them.