The Billion Dollar Code is a German telly thriller miniseries falling under the genre of crime drama. The miniseries were fabricated by Oliver Ziegenbalg and Robert Thalheim under the direction of Robert Thalheim. Producer Annie Schilling has successfully created the series with the aid of Kundschafter Filmproduktion GmbH and Sunnysideup Filmproduktion companies, and the series can be watched in both German and English with subtitles provided for both and has been distributed by Netflix.
The series is believed to be based on true events of the ’90s during the arrival of the digital world. The series centers around the true story of the Winklevoss brothers, who are believed to be the real owner of algorithms that are now extensively used by Google Earth. The miniseries are highly appreciated since they highlight a site that a large audience would have never known.
Release Date
The miniseries got its release date on October 7, 2021, from 9.01 am onwards. A trailer has also been released prior to the release of the 4-episode series.
The cast and crew of The Billion Dollar Code are as follows, Bjorn Freiberg as the Interpreter; Seumas F. Sargent playing the character of Eric Spears; Leonard Scheicher is also to be seen, but the role is yet to be watched; Lukas Loughran as Brian Anderson; Marius Ahrendt; Dan Cade as Matt Boyd; Thomas Douglas as ralph; Michelle Glick as Janet Martinez; Yuki Iwamoto playing Buchou; Scott Alexander Young as Partner and a few more are being recruited.
Review of Fans about The Billion Dollar Code
The plot of the series is highly interesting and gained popularity, even more when it is being said that the series draws its inspiration from real events that happened in the ’90s. The story revolves around the Winklevoss brothers who fabricated Terravision in the year 1994 but were not recognized as the owner of the algorithm, which is highly seen to be used in Google Earth. The miniseries depicts the fight of these two brothers to get recognition.
The two brothers were all determined to take back what’s there, or in simple terms, to get a name for their brilliant work, which seems to be stolen or used without being stated who enabled them to use such a brilliant method. The show depicts all the struggles of the brothers from filing a case, going to court since they believed it is not a mere issue that can be overlooked.
The series also depicts how the internet revolution came into being in the 90s and how human life changed with its arrival. Thalheim believes that the audience must know all the struggles the brothers had gone through and how our nations developed today digitally for them. The series has successfully procured 8.3/10 in IMDb, and it must be said that fans are loving it.
The evolvement of the German series is praiseworthy, and it seems this new series to have highly aroused among fans a thirst to watch the German series even more. The acting, plot, and demand for recognition have successfully attracted the audience and, in return, have been appreciated as well. You are definitely going to miss something important if you don’t watch this miniseries. For more such news and updates, do stay tuned with us.