A television series that has been adapted from the Child’s Play movie franchise is Chucky. This television show has brought a good glimpse of horror before Halloween to everyone. However, to be very precise, Chucky is nothing but the sequel of the seventh movie franchise of Chucky, titled Cult of Chucky. Don Mancini has both created and assembled the script of the show.
Don Mancini has also served as an executive producer of the drama. Nonetheless, along with him, David Kirschner, Harley Peyton, Alex Hedlund, and Nick Antosca are also in the team of the executive producers. On January 29, 2019, the news came out that the film’s franchise is thinking of bringing back Chucky as a television show.
A Recap About the Release Date and Streaming Platform of the Chucky TV Series
After the announcement of the arrival of Chucky as a television series, the makers scheduled to release the show on October 12, 2021. In Toronto, Ontario, Canada, the show’s shooting commenced on March 29, 2021, and came to an end on August 11, 2021. The show comprises eight episodes.
However, it is quite obvious that the show’s creator, writer, and producer, Don Mancini, has jotted down the plot of these episodes himself. Canadian fans of the show will be able to see a glimpse of Chucky on the Showcase on October 19, 2021. Whereas the fans from Latin America can watch the drama on October 27, 2021, on Star+.
The Cast List of the New Television Series Chucky
Brad Dourif has contributed his voice for Chucky, Teo Briones as Junior Wheeler, Bjorgvin Arnarson as Devon Evans, Alex Vincent as Andy Barclay, Zackary Arthur as Jake Wheeler, Alyvia Alyn Lind as Lexy Cross, Christine Elise as Kyle. Additionally, Jennifer Tilly as Tiffany Valentine, Lexa Doig as Bree Wheeler, Barbara Alyn Woods as Mayor Michelle Cross, Devon Sawa as Logan Wheeler is also part of the series Chucky.
A Summarization About the First Episode of the New Television Series Chucky
The show’s creators have named the first episode “Death by Misadventure,” which had already been released last Tuesday. This series is all about several subjective themes. The makers explained that it would comprise of a puppy love of a gay. This theory is not a part of the movie from which the story of the television series Chunky has been taken.
The creator and writer Don Mancini expressed that firstly he wanted to organize the character of a boy. As he wanted to absorb the feeling of the character in his way. He added that Jake’s sexuality would add a new and unique twist to the horror show.
Is there Some News About the Trailer of Chucky?
The trailer of the show has already appeared in front of everyone. However, it has succeeded in attracting more viewers to the television series Chucky. However, this is the information one should have before watching the first episode. Moreover, within a few days, the second episode will arrive on October 19, 2021.