Based on the light novel by Asato Asato and illustration by Shirabii, anime 86 is a television sci-fi anime that got aired with its second season recently, post the completion of the initial season on June 20, 2021. Toshimasa Ishii has directed this military series while production has been credited to Nobuhiro Nakayama for Bandai Spirits, Kadokawa, and Aniplex.
Toshiya Ono pens’ story comprises Yuuya Uchida for Ernst Zimmerman, Misaki Kuno for Frederica Rosenfort, and Asuna Tomarifor Shiden Lida in the lead. Joining them are Theoto Rikka (for Natsumi Fujiwara), Raiden Shuga (for Seiichiro Yamashita), Kurena Kukumila (for Sayami Suzushiro), and Anju Emma (for Saori Hayami).
What is Anime 86 All About?
The show’s story focuses on the struggle to attain dominance between the Republic of San Magnolia and the Empire of Giad. After suffering a lot of damage in the initial stage of the war, the former create autonomous units of their own to fight the Empire’s already existing mechanized independent units. But the whole truth behind the Republic’s autonomous units is hidden from the citizens who are not aware of the evil propaganda.
They use the individuals of minority group Colarata to fly their so-called autonomous drones, and the sacrifices by these people are not given due recognition and respect.
What Happened Previously and Expectations from Upcoming Episode 3 of 86 Season 2
The previous episode showed how Shin and his pals feel at the new place they are now supposed to call home. After completing a month as Federacy citizens, they still deal with conflicting thoughts to adjust to the new environment. Having been introduced to freedom and equal treatment after facing immense atrocities in the Republic of San Magnolia by the Alba community, they feel happy and enjoy what their new country offers them but not like home.
They then decided to be honest and told Ernst about their decision to join the battlefield again. Although unhappy on hearing the news, the latter recommends them to become officers by joining Special Officer’s Training School so that they can do what they plan.
Meanwhile, Frederica finally confesses to Shin about her royal identity as the last Empress of Giad, and the original name being Augusta Fredrica Adel-Adler. She owns the ability to foresee the future or past people she meets. She is seen requesting Shian to help her free Kiriya, her knight.
The upcoming episode 3 will portray the joining of Shin and his mate to the Special Officer’s Training School to become officers by proper training there and ultimately fulfill the wish of Ernst. On the other hand, Lena will be seen working hard to find out about her lost comrades.
When is Episode 3 of 86 Season 2 Expected to Release?
The third episode of 86 Season 2 is set to hit the screens on October 17, 2021. It has the title- Glad to Be Here and will release on networks like BS11, Tokyo MX, GTV, GYT, CTV, etc., at different times.
Where to Stream Episode 3 of 86 Season 2?
For streaming of the second edition of anime 86, viewers can head over to Crunchyroll, with original Japanese audio and subtitles in English. Other platforms for enjoying the series are VRV, Bilibili, and iQIYI.