Sintonia is a Brazilian teenage crime and drama TV series created and directed by Kondzilla. The series is one of the best international series, which accurately depicts the religion, slums, and the hooligan and crime life mixed with a unique storytelling style. While watching this series, you are sure to go on a rollercoaster of emotions.
What You Need To Know
Over the past few years, Netflix has grown to be the most popular OTT platform that provides its streaming service to almost every country globally, and recently, the international series of the platform is getting a lot of love. Sintonia is one of those international shows. The trailer for the show’s second season has been dropped, and it is looking absolutely entrancing because of the storyline and the favorite fan trio of friends.
Sintonia is one of those TV series that shows the real image of a country with a beautiful and capturing plot. The show depicts the journey of three friends with an adequate amount of diversity and finesse.
The settings and characters of the show fit as well, and the cinematography was spot on, such as the poverty-stricken streets of Sao Paulo depiction were so accurate. The different personalities of the three main characters make the show much more unique, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats, and they keep wondering what is going to happen now?
Sintonia is the perfect show that you can binge-watch, and they can rewatch the series without getting bored.
The Cast
In the second season of the show, we will be watching the same cast and some additions as well. But we will be watching the same cast members reprising their roles, that is, MC Jottape playing the role of Doni, Christian Malheiros playing the role of Nando, Bruna Mascarenhas playing the role of Rita, MC M10 playing the role of Formiga, Vinícius de Oliveira playing the role of Éder.
Rosana Maris is playing the role of Jussara, Danielle Olímpia is playing the role of Cacau, Julia Yamaguchi is playing the role of Scheyla, Leilah Moreno is playing the role of MC Dondoka, Júlio Silvério playing the role of Jaspion.
The Expected Plot of Season 2
The ending of the first season of Sintonia ended with a cliffhanger; that is, in the final episode of season one, we saw Doni winning a recording deal for his late father in his moving live show. Nando joined an organization that will keep him engulfed in a more dangerous lifestyle, and in the middle of everything, Rita gets baptized, and she enjoys it.
In spite of the fact that the trailer for the second season has been released, the director of Sintonia has only given a tidbit of information about what might happen in the second season of the show, and he only said that the fans of the show should expect that bigger things will take place in the second season. Since the show’s second season is about to release, fans can find out what will happen.
Release Date
The second season of Sintonia will release on October 27, 2021, at 12 a.m. PDT, Pacific Time: 12 a.m. PDT, Eastern Time: 3 a.m. EDT, British Time: 8 a.m. BST (British Summer Time), European Time: 9 a.m. CEST, India Time: 12.30 p.m. IST ( Indian Standard Time).
The total number of episodes of Sintonia for the second season is not confirmed yet. Still, in accordance with the first season, it is expected that the second season will be having the same number of episodes, that is, six episodes.
Where To Watch
Sintonia was released on Netflix as an original drama series, and therefore it is only available to stream on Netflix. Due to the streaming rights, it is not possible that the show will be available on other popular streaming platforms such as Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Disney+ Hotstar, YouTube TV, or HBO Max.