The show Firefly Lane is an American drama based on the novel of the same name, written by Kristin Hannah, who is US author. The creativity of bringing this masterpiece on television was done by none other than Maggie Friedman’s series for Netflix. It is a story about two best friends who enjoy their friendship even after all the highs and lows which they have to face in their lives.
The last season ended with a clifhanger, which is why all the fans are searching for the release date of the upcoming season.
What do We have in the Plot of the Show Firefly Lane!
As we have already mentioned, the story of this show revolves around two best friends named Kate and Tully, respectively. They have been the kind of friends who have been together since their childhood, and this gives a chance to watch their lives back in the 1970s. All seems to be filled with love and happiness until the very end of the show, where a major twist is revealed. Here we get to see that Kate and Tully are not on the talking terms due to some reason.
The scene starts with some funeral ceremony where Kate is standing, and Tully pays a visit. The heat between them is clearly visible, but what is the reason behind this bitterness cannot be revealed. By looking at the scene, it seems like that the reason is related to the death of a closed loved one, but who is that will be revealed in the upcoming season.
Who All are the Part of the Show?
Moving on to the show’s cast, which includes some new faces in this upcoming season, beginning with Ignacio Serricchio, who will be seen as a new character, has a soft spot for Tully. Then we will get to see Greg Germann, who will hold a recurring role as Benedict Binswanger. Alongside these, there is one more entry of India de Beaufort, a White Lotus actress Jolene Purdy, who will play Justine Jordan. She will be seen as someone with high skills and a great help to Tully.
Then the members from the previous season will also be seen, including Katherine Heigl as Tully Hart, Sarah Chalke as Kate Mularkey, Alissa Skovby as young Tully Hart, Jon-Michael Ecker as Max Brody, Yael Yurman as Marah, Beau Garrett as Cloud, Brandon Jay McLaren as Travis, Ben Lawson as Johnny Ryan, Chelah Horsdal as Margie Mularkey, Roan Curtis as young Kate Mularkey and Jason McKinnon as Sean Mularkey.
When and Where will it Get Released?
Although we do not have any official news regarding the exact release date, we have some predictions. The Filming of the second season began somewhere by the end of August and is presumed to get over in April 2022. And we believe that if this happens to be true, then we might watch the upcoming season by the mid of 2022 or probably 2023 on Netflix.
What Else to Know Before Watching it?
The last season of this show was about 10 episodes long, but we do not have any count about the upcoming season. The show had received quite a good rating until now, and according to July 2021 data, it has received 7.5/10. The novel inspired the first part, and we believe the same about the second installment, too, as there is a second part named Fly Away.
We believe that your waiting time will be worth it and it was also said by one of the leading actresses of this show in one of the interviews.