The King’s Affection is a South Korean telly series that aired on October 11, 2021. The series is basically a fictional romance series that also has several historical events depicted within it. The series has been fabricated by Ki Min-Soo and Hong Seok-Gu and draws its inspiration from Lee So-Young’s Yeonmo.
The King’s Affection has been penned down by Han Hee-Jung and produced under the direction of Song Hyun-Wook in the Korean Language along with the Story Hunter Production and Monster Union production companies. The series was originally released on the KBS2 network and distributed by KBS.
The story revolves Crown Princess Consort and her desperate measures to save her daughter, Yi Hwi, whom she disguises as Lee Hwi to save her from getting killed. How long will this be hidden? What consequences can it bring with it? Read further to know more.
Release Date
The 7th episode of The King’s Affection is all set to air on November 1, 2021, at 10.30 am ET. There are a total of 20 episodes, so to know when the episodes will get released or what they will bring. Fans must stay tuned with us.
The series is a historical one revolving around Princess Consort of Joseon Dynasty who is all resolved to save Yi-Hwi, her daughter from getting murdered as bearing twins is not at all accepted in her empire and considered to be a curse.
In order to save Yi-Hwi, Princess Consort has disguised her as Lee Hwi, her son, as soon as the later died during a war. But Yi-Hwi, who is in the disguise of Lee Hwi, has already fell in love for Ji-un, the later being totally unaware of her true character.
In the seventh episode, Yi-Hwi will go into the courtroom where Ji-un is also present. Ji-un did not know that it is not Lee Hwi but Yi Hwi, yet he seems to be drawn towards her. What does it indicate? The officials have yet revealed no further news. It seems fans have to check out what lies further in the story and start watching the upcoming series to know the exact details.
The cast of The King’s Affection are as follows, Park Eun-bin as Prince Lee Hwi; Rowoon as Jung Ji-woon; Nam Yoon-su as Lee Hyun; Choi Byung-chan as Kim Ga-on; Bae Yoon-kyung as Shin So-eun; Jung Chae-yeon as Noh Ha-kyung; Yoon Je-moon as Han Ki-jae; Bae Soo-bin as Jung Seok-jo and Lee Pil-mo as King Hyejong along with several other characters.
Streaming Platforms And To Watch Or Not
As of now, the series will air its episodes on Netflix only. There has been no news on which other platforms the episodes will air. To know where the episodes will be available in the future, stay tuned with us.
There have been only a few episodes released, and it seems, the audience is already loving it. The suspense and a few historical events are worth watching,d so if you have not yet started watching the series, you can start watching it now.