This is an Australian drama series. The show ran for only two seasons which were from 1997 to 1999. The show was about pilots who worked in a small aviation company named Big sky Aviation. The series was all about the adventures of these pilots and what they faced to keep the company going.
What do We Know About this Show?
This drama series has received a really good fan base ever since it came out in 2020. It shows detective Cassie Dewell and Cody. They are struggling hard to solve a case of two missing sisters. Cody’s ex-wife, who is in the police too, joins hands in solving this case. Though the scene is set in a very beautiful place, later they get to know that more girls are missing.
The rest of the show is about those missing girls and comes across many dark secrets too. The show has received many mixed reviews and has brilliant scenes that prove the talent of the characters. Since the first season ended this year, the fans are curious to know the story next.
Season 2, Episode 5 Release Date
Before season one concluded, the announcement of the coming of the second season was made. The second season came out in September. It is available to watch on ABC. Though by now, there isn’t any news regarding the total episodes. We do know that each episode has a running time of approximately 45 minutes.
Episode 5 will be released on November 11, 2021, at 10 p.m. Each new episode is released weekly only on Thursdays.
Where can You Watch the Show?
The best way to watch this show is on ABC. But it can also be watched on FUBOTV, YouTube TV, and for those who gave Hulu can also watch it there. If you wish to watch it after purchasing it, then you can watch it on Amazon Prime video, google play, or Microsoft Store. Well, there are various other platforms too.
Plot Speculations for this Episode
This episode will give a better idea of the characters and their loyalty to their fellow mates. Deputy Poppernak is trying to keep Jenny off the case. Though he isn’t a central character and is not of concern, his acts cannot be covered as he might be responsible for a lot of mishaps.
And with that said, we might also want to throw some light on Dietrich, who is always up to something that will have awful consequences. Mark and Jerrie are looking for Ronald, but little do they know that they will soon be in heaps of trouble as they enter the woods.
On the contrary, keeping deputy Harvey in the jungle wouldn’t be as easy a task as it looks like. Hence, this episode will be answering some major questions that need to be answered soon enough.