Young Lady and Gentleman is an ongoing romantic comedy family drama that was created by Moon Jun-ha, Kang Byung-taek, and KBS Drama Division. The story follows the life of a man who is a widower and lives with his three children and their teacher, whom he starts to have feelings for, and the budding romance between them that he pursues.
The screenplay has been by Kim Sa-Kyung, and direction has been taken care of by Shin Chang-Seok. Stars like Lee Se-hee, Ji Hyun-woo, and Cha Hwa-Yeon are performing in the show. Let’s find out what interesting plotlines are in the upcoming episode of Young Lady and Gentleman.
Plot Speculations For Episode 16 Of Young Lady And Gentleman
The upcoming episode 16 of the show will shed some light on Dan Dan and Young Guk. They will try to learn things and talk about things in order to make their relationship work. But they keep their professional front out of this and don’t let it get affected. Meanwhile, Se Ryeonggoes through a bad time in her love life, and Jun Ho and Mi Rin keep running into each other making things strange between them.
What Happened Previously On Young Lady And Gentleman?
It was seen that Young Guk and Dan Dan have feelings for each other. But the former being unsure about his emotions, refuses to Dan Dan when she pops the question to him. But she is assertive that he does like her, owing to his different treatment with her, but isn’t accepting it.
Young Guk tells her that it’s just because of his children that he cares for her, and nothing more can ever happen between them. But she stands strong on her point and isn’t ready to believe that he doesn’t like her.
To get an answer from him, Dan Dan gives her time to make his choice and tells him to tie a handkerchief around the tree if his answer is affirmative. This makes Young Guk restless through the night, and knowing the fact he does like her, he ties the handkerchief around the tree but somehow changes the plan and removes it. Still hopeful, Dan Dan waits through the day for Young Guk to tie the handkerchief.
Meanwhile, Young Guk still has things going on in his mind about the previous night and isn’t able to focus on work. By finding that there is less time left, he rushes home but gets dejected as he finds his handkerchief lost.
But in a dramatic scene, the handkerchief comes flying and gets placed over the tree. Dan Dan gets delighted at this sight and omits to listen to Young Guk about the coincident that occurred. She takes him on a date and refers to him as his boyfriend. Ultimately Young Guk gives in.
When Will Episode 16 Of Young Lady And Gentleman Release?
Episode 16 of this K-Drama is scheduled to release on Sunday, November 14, 2021, on KBS2. The show premiered on September 25, 2021, and all its latest episodes are telecasted every Saturday and Sunday with a duration of 80 minutes each.
Where To Watch Episode 16 Of Young Lady And Gentleman?
The domestic viewers can enjoy the show at 7.55 pm KST on the KBS2 network. For the ones who haven’t watched the previous episodes so far, the KBS World channel on YouTube has nine episodes of the show to date, and viewers can enjoy them for free. Other than this, the international fans can enjoy the episodes on Rakuten Viki and Kocowa TV, the latter being available for only the individuals residing in North and South America.