The Thundermans is an American television comedy-drama series that was first released on October 14, 2013, and last aired on May 25, 2018. The series is directed by Jed Spingarn and was aired for a total number of 4 seasons. The plotline of the series revolves around the Thunderman family, who have hidden superpowers, and what follows is their share of family drama and adventures.
The series is known for its great comedy and has gathered quite a good and loyal fan base during the course of its run. The series concluded in 2018, and the fans are surely disheartened. The series has also been a recipient of several awards for its strong on-screen performance.
What Do The Critics Have To Say?
Even though the series has been a hit, The Thundermans have been subjected to mixed reviews by critics. At times the series feels like it is being too flashy with minimal substance, and there have been instances in the series where the makers have surely gone over the board with a little cringe-worthy content and characterizations.
The special effects, along with more than required sounds and noises, make the series a little too much to watch in a negative shade.
However, since the series aims for a teenage audience, the plot revolves around the young Thunderstorms, and the makers have tried their best to make the story fantastical and comical at the same time, and for this, they definitely have done a great job. The family life, social life, and personal life of the Thundermans is shown, which has kept the audience hooked.
What Is The Plot?
The plotline of the series revolves around the Thunderman family, who have hidden superpowers, and what follows is their share of family drama and adventures. The family tries to lead a normal life, and with each of them having mystical powers, there is a lot of comedy going around it.
While the Thunderman siblings have different goals, with Phoebe wanting to become a superhero and Max wanting to become a supervillain, a lot of drama unfolds. However, in the end, Max and Phoebe team up and lead the new Z force.
Who Is In The Cast?
The cast of the Thundermans includes Kira Kosarin, who plays the character of Phoebe; Jack Griffo, who plays the character of Max; Addison Riecke, who plays the character of Nora, Diego Velazquez, who plays the character of Billy; Chris Tallman, who plays the character of Hank, Rosa Blasi who plays the character of Barb and Maya Le Clark who plays the character of Chloe.
Where To Watch It And If It Is Worth Watching?
The series is available for streaming on digital streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video. The series is definitely a must-watch for those who wish to have a comical experience in a superhero-themed show.