The Second Husband is a Korean television series with Oh Seung-ah, Cha Seo-won, and Uhm Hyun-Kyung in leading roles. The series is written by Seo Hyeon-Joo and directed by Kim Chil-bong under The Pan Entertainment. The story follows an intense love story in which a lady who has been wrongfully separated from her family seeks retribution amid twisted destiny and affection.
MBC launched the drama on August 9, 2021, and it comes with its new episode every weekday. Stay tuned if you’re looking forward to the next episode. We’ve compiled everything we know about the forthcoming episode right here. And a short recap for the previous episode.
Recap of Episode 69
Choi EunGyul’s actual personality was exposed in this week’s episodes. In addition, the investigator who had entrapped Seon Hwa was imprisoned. The crowd appeared to be in for a shock as the series made a sudden twist. The crowd gasped when Jae Kyung and Soo Chul placed Seon Hwa’s body in a bag and dropped it in the lake. But, none of this was scheduled ahead of time.
Before all of this, Jae Kyung was taken aback when she discovered that Sang Hyuk was not in Namhae as he said. Jae Kyung quickly discovered that he had gone camping with Seon Hwa. She reached the location furiously. Jae Kyung became even more enraged when Sang Hyuk admitted to Seon Hwa that he left her just for wealth from Jae Kyung. She then devised a strategy to eliminate Seon Hwa once and forever ever.
Soo Chul rushed to her aid, and the two of them finished the job. The audience was perplexed when Jae Kyung welcomed someone. It’s someone from the United States, and it had to be of high significance based on how Jae Kyung was speaking with the person on the other end. Later in the show, Seon Hwa was shown coming from a flashy limousine, implying that she was the VIP Jae Kyung was searching for.
Expected Storyline of Episode 70
The Second Husband Episode 70 will undoubtedly provide explanations to many of the viewer’s major queries. The major question is how Seon Hwa would become the rising talent that has now become. Is she Seon Hwa, or was the lady the public witnessed merely a doppelganger? Or did Seon Hwa suspect Jae Kyung was planning something and had a backup plan in place?
And, if Seon Hwa is still alive, why did she become such a businessman and speak English so easily? Viewers have many concerns but no answers? Maybe, the following episodes will provide answers to their questions.
Expected Release Date and Where to Watch
The Second Husband Episode 70 will be available on November 25. The episode is scheduled to be aired on Thursday. Except for weekends, new episodes of The Second Husband are broadcast almost daily. The series for Korean audiences is accessible on the k-drama streaming channel, MBC. International audiences may get the series via Rakuten Viki or Kocowa. The series is only accessible with a regular membership on Rakuten Viki; however, it is free in Kocowa.
Expected Cast Members
The main protagonists in the series are Yoon Jae-min by Cha Seo-won, Bong Seon-Hwa by Uhm Hyun-Kyung, young Bong Seon-Hwa by Lee Hyo-bi, Yoon Jae-Kyeong by Oh Seung-ah, Moon Sang-Hyeok by Han Ki-Woong. Other cast members will be Yoon Dae-gook by Jung Sung-mo, JooHae-ran by Ji Soo-won, Gop-boon by Sung Byung-sook, and many more.