The Mitchells vs The Machines is an animated film released in April 2021, it has been produced by Sony Pictures animation, and it is directed by Michael Rianda. Initially, the film was supposed to be released as ‘Connected’ on the big screens, but the pandemic started, and Sony Pictures animation sold the rights to Netflix, and they changed the name of the movie.
About The Film
Michael Rianda is the director of this animated film, and he has been a part of the famous American mystery and drama cartoon series Gravity Falls as a Creative Director in the first season of the show. Since he has been directing the movie, the art style was pretty similar to that of Gravity Falls, and the plot of the film is how a dysfunctional family will be trying to save the world from a robot apocalypse when they are on a road trip.
It is extremely emotional and worrying for parents to send their children out alone in the real world to gather some experience. But children perceive this opportunity to branch out from the family, and they end up disconnecting from their parents.
The film acts like a letter written with love for the families and their imperfections, and it is fine with families not being perfect or being the best, but they need to be themselves. And we can see that in the end credits of the film which had pictures of the cast and crew with their families which gives a sweet ending to the film.
Sony Pictures has animated the film, and they have been working extremely hard to raise the standards in the animated film industry, and they have been coming up with unique and innovative ideas and animation styles. And they have done exceptional work here as well.
The animators and writers have done amazing work by making the characters unique and giving distinct personalities, and all of the family members have different facial expressions. And all the family members went through a change which can be seen at the end of the film. And personally, what I liked were the little goofy and bizarre doodles displaying the emotions of the characters.
The film is a satire showcasing what will happen if the human race depends too much on technology, telling us that we are more connected with our phones than with our loved ones. And the music is enriching and goes well with the scenes and narration of the movie, and it is catchy as well, so one would be humming the music even after watching the movie. The duration of the film is 1 hour 50 minutes.
The film has narrated its motive beautifully, and it has all the necessary elements like plot, character development, and a message to make it one of the best-animated films out there, which can bewitch its audience throughout the film, and it stands out in the crowd.
Where To Watch?
The Mitchells vs The Machines is a Netflix original animated film, and as a result, it will be solely available on Netflix to watch. People who are regular watchers of TV series and films to get a membership of Netflix, and the membership starts from only $9 per month.
Will It Get A Sequel?
The film has been praised by critics as well as the audience, and it was one of the most-watched animated films on Netflix as well. Since animated films do get a sequel, this film would most likely get one as well, which will be solely available on Netflix as well. However, it does not seem that the producers of the film will not announce the release date before 2022 or even later.