The crime drama mystery developed by Clyde Phillips, Dexter: New Blood, draws inspiration from Jeff Lindsay’s Dexter novels and is actually the continuation of the previous series named Dexter. It got released this year in November and featured Michael C. Hall and Jennifer Carpenter reprising their characters from the previous series named Dexter and Debra, respectively.
Adam Brightman and Judson Schwartz have produced the show while executive production has been helmed by Clyde Phillips, Marcos Siega, Sara Colleton, Scott Reynolds, Bill Carraro, Michael C. Hall and John Goldwyn. With a total of ten episodes scheduled for the show, the series is already nearing its termination, and it will be interesting to see how it will conclude.
Recap of Episode 7 of Dexter: New Blood
In episode 7 of Dexter: New Blood, we see the titular character arriving at the caves and informing Angela that at the time Iris was buried, she was alive. Dexter finds a piece of skin in between the teeth of the dead but simultaneously informs Angela that no significant outcome will be made out of it as the evidence was exposed for more than 25 years to the environment.
He then engages in an argument regarding the killing of Kurt with Conscience Debra, who says that it could be him doing that. Meanwhile, at school, Harrison learns about Audrey avoiding him owing to his violent behavior. On the other hand, the Kurt’s DNA sample that Angela had matched more than 50% with that of samples collected from the caves, proving him to be the culprit behind killing Iris.
What Happens Towards the End of Episode 7 of Dexter: New Blood?
Dexter was seen stopping the clash between Harrison and the friends of the boy whom he injured and tried talking to his son. But misunderstandings once again made their way into them, and Harrison left. Towards the end of the episode, we see an unknown man hitting Dexter from behind, the one that offered money to Harrison to do his task and, in the end, hands him the letter for Dexter, which had a titanium screw.
The unknown person named Elric Kane is most likely a killer. While going through Kurt’s office, Dexter discovers a similar envelope that was handed to him but with a cheque for Elric Kane worth $5000. This leads to the point that in order to avenge the death of his son by Dexter, Kurt had hired a killer to kill him.
Who Was Responsible For Killing The Trinity Killer?
It was Dexter who was responsible for killing the Trinity killer, a.k.a Arthur Mitchell, as it was shown in the original series season 4 finale. In order to kill him, Dexter first sedates him and then takes him to the fallout shelter, where he keeps the kidnapped boy.
The killer claims to not have liked murdering people and that God had sent Dexter to stop him. After collecting his blood sample, Dexter leaves the site but, on reaching home, finds Rita dead in the bathtub with her son Harrison sitting in the pool of her blood.
Does Harrison Have A Memory As To What Happened With His Mother?
In the seventh episode, it did get revealed that Harrison has a memory of what happened with his mother and often is encountered with nightmares about the same. It gets revealed that after killing Rita, Arthur calls and tells the little boy that his dad will be home soon, which makes Harrison believe that his father knows what is wrong with him. Before Dexter could clear the air, Harrison left the scene all agitated.