The Kids Tonight Show is an American talk show fabricated by Jimmy Fallon for children. This is a late-night show, so you need to stay awake more to watch the episodes. However, the series can be parallel to The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, so if you have watched it, The Kids Tonight Show must be watched by you.
This show is presented by several people: Mykal-Michelle Harris, Olivia Perez, Young Dylan and Recker Eans and was created in NBC Studios. The show premiered on October 14 of 2021, and seemed to be loved by all. The Kids Tonight Show is hosted by children who also seem to be interviewing popular stars.
Episode 19 and 20 Release Date and Where to Watch
The last episode aired quite recently, on December 16, and are you ready to watch the next ones? There are only 3 days left to watch the upcoming 2 episodes, Episode 19 and Episode 20, that are all set to release on December 23, 2021, exclusively on Peacock. Unfortunately, there are no other ott platforms available where you can watch this show, so tune to Peacock and get ready to watch your favorite stars getting questioned by little kids.
What to Know Before Watching?
This late-night is both silly and fun. You will be seeing stars playing games and getting questioned by kids, and the best part is that kids’ questions can come from anywhere. They are not that adept but always speak their hearts out, so it is purely honest and has twists or underlying meanings.
This is a late-night show, and people often ask, shall kids actually stay awake so lately? Isn’t the show portraying a wrong message? Why should kids be staying awake this late? Negative reviews are almost everywhere but if you watch the show, be sure to be entertained till the end.
All About Episode 19
Each episode is all new and fresh, and different stars are interviewed. You all might be thinking, who will be seen in Episode 19. So, the wait is over. Be ready to see Matthew McConaughey and Nick Kroll and see them speaking out a lot about things still unknown. They will be speaking vividly about Sing 2 chiefly and a lot more.
There will be a lot of fun and excitement, so get ready to spend a night watching these stars and knowing them a bit better. However, there are no such spoilers yet revealed, so you have to watch and know what else will happen.
All About Episode 20
Episode 20 will also be released on December 23, same as episode 19 so take it as a bonus. You all will be seeing PessleyHoasbach as the star of the episode, and we hope this news delights you. She will be telling about Dance Moms and Stage Fright chiefly, and trust us, and she is all set to entertain you all a lot.
What else is she going to do? Let that be secret, and watch the full episode to know what else she has to give to the audience. For further episodes, follow us and get the latest updates.